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与 分与 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Based on the theory and methodology mentioned above, an integrated software system, namely Computer Aided Concurrent Design system, is developed with C language, Windows SDK and computer network techniques to support CD process modelling which include some key aspects, such as organization, plan, and configuration issues; to provide assistance which cover service mechanism for information sharing and management mechanism for CD process monitoring and controlling in a distributed environment.


In this research, swainsonine contents of three Oxytropis species were determined by the high performance liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. The population genetic diversity was also studied and the swainsonine related molecular markers were screened by ISSR. In vitro fungi cultures from the individual plant of O. glabra were performed and microbiological morphology of the colony and the conidiophore were investigated. The 5.8S rDNA/ITS sequences of fungi amplified from total DNA in both plants and fungal endophytes were studied. These sequences were analysed and compared, and they were also compared to the 5.8S rDNA/ITS sequence of fungal enduphyte Embellisia sp. L12 from the O.lambertii, O.sericea and A.mollisimus distributed in USA.

本研究采用高效液相色谱-质谱联用法测定了三种棘豆植物的苦马豆素含量;通过ISSR分子标记技术对三种棘豆种群遗传多样性及其苦马豆素相关标记进行了研究;将小花棘豆植物单株进行体外真菌培养,研究了菌落和分生孢子的微生物形态学特性,从植物总DNA和相同植株培养的真菌总DNA扩增真菌的5.8SrDNA/ITS区,进行了DNA序列分析与排序;联系单株小花棘豆的苦马豆素含量测定和内生真菌ITS序列分析结果,与从美国分布的二种棘豆(O.lambertii、O.sericea)和一种黄芪(A.mollisimus)中分离的内生真菌埃里砖格孢属Embellisia sp.L12株得到的结果进行了比较。

In this research, the ~ and F2 of the crosses between a natural mutant 慪34?with super-minute grain and 慪38?with super-large grain,慡huhui 881擲huhui 527?with middle grain size were carried out to study the inheritance of the grain shape (grain length, grain width, grain thickness and grain length/width ratio) and 1000-grain weight. The main results are summarized as below:? The F1 grain length, grain width, grain thickness and 1000-grain weight of three crosses were lay between the two parents and tended to Y34, which indicated that those grain traits were all governed by the dominant effect of Y34 and influenced by both female and male parents. The differences of F1 grain length, grain width, grain thickness and 1000-grain weight of positive and negative crosses between Y38 and Y34 indicated the existence of cytogene effects.? The broad heritabilities of major grain traits were calculated.

本研究利用一份水稻极小粒自然突变材料Y34与一份水稻极大粒材料Y38、两份常规籽粒大小材料蜀恢881、蜀恢527的杂交F_1及F_2,对主要粒形性状(粒长、粒宽、粒厚、长宽比)及千粒重进行了遗传研究,根据遗传研究的结果利用微卫星标记结合F_2群分法对控制Y34短粒性状基因进行了分子标记定位,主要结果如下:●各组合F_1粒长、粒宽、粒厚和千粒重介于双亲之间且明显偏向于小值亲本 Y34,这表明粒长、粒宽、粒厚和千粒重均主要受小值亲本显性基因的控制并同时也受大值亲本核基因的影响。Y34与Y38正反交F_1在粒长、粒宽、粒厚、千粒重等性状上存在差异,表明存在细胞质效应。

In this thesis, beginning with the research of the Yellow River delta formation history, the landscape heterogeneity is related with the delta evolution. According to different dynamic environments, the Yellow River delta landscape is divided into three zones: delta plain landscape, tidal zone landscape and submerged delta landscape, and the landscape characters of each zone is analyzed and discussed respectively.


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After determining the control equation and defined problems for infiltration, redistribution and evaporation, implicit finite difference method was used for ponded infiltration, semi-infinite soil redistribution and semi-infinite evaporation. The calculated results agreed well with measured data.


Chapter two proposes the unified form of Hojman"s conservation law and Lutzky"s conservation law. Firstly, the author introduces the general Lie group of transformations that the variations of both the time and the generalized coordinates are considered, derives the determining equation of Lie symmetry for the system, presents a new conservation law, which contains the Hojman"s and the Lutzky"s conservation law as two special cases, and obtains a condition to exclude trivial Hojmans conserved quantities.


Chapter Three gives a textual interpretation of siting Yinyangzhai, including the map of the diagonal dividing line of South Chen and North Xu, and the directions of punishments and rewards of Yinyangzhai and the relation between the heavenly circulation and the lucky days for building Yinyangzhai, and analyses the popular citing methods of the whole series.


The research shows that in the Yinggehai basin, the formation of CO_(2) reservoir which is crust-sourced and crust-mental-mixed-sourced, mainly controlled by local action of hot fluid in the mud diapir area which is multi terms and multi zones and by physical-chemical mechanism of very thick marine calcareous sandstone and mudstone of Pliocene-Miocene. The volcano- and mantle-sourced CO_(2) in the Qiongdongnan basin and Pearl River Mouth basin is mainly controlled by volcanos activities and by the exist of large faults which reached to base to connect the gas from the mantle. According to different mechanism ang formation of reservoir os the the crustal rock-chemical genesis and volcano-and mantle-sourced CO_(2), we can follow the source of it, analysis and predict the migration and accumulation and distribution model of gas and espacially CO_(2), so as to help to make the plan of petroleum exploration and reduce the risk of exploration.


Historically speaking, in accordance with the three phases of collective subjectivity, individual subjectivity, and species subjectivity, there have been three moral patterns ---- normative ethics, individual subjective morality, and discourse ethics, corresponding to which are three moral education patterns respectively of didacticism, individual subjectivity, and communication.


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Shop assistant: Please check at the door.


In the end, transportation of PAHs in the environmental matrix was preliminarily investigated and discussed according to PAHs data of soils and sediments from a certain region in Shanghai. The result indicated that there are two or more pathways on PAHs transportation in the environmental matrix.


Quick stop! AIDS doctors while the side and say hello and colleagues mention a blood sample box, the Red Cross had sent blankets and so on, with patients有说有笑to go home.
