英语人>网络例句>分与 相关的搜索结果


与 分与 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The similarity among songs from different habitats was analyzed by ANOSIM, SIMPER and MDS. Significant differences among Shu Yi Area, Chung Hsing University , and Taichung Metropolitan Park were found. The results of dendrogram- cluster analysis indicated the songs of Chinese bulbul had smaller dialect systems in the same site.

经由ANOSIM、SIMPER与MDS相似度的分析,白头翁歌曲在树义地区、中兴大学与台中市都会公园间呈现显著差异;从dendrogram-cluster analysis的分群结果,发现白头翁歌曲呈现更小规模的方言系统。

In order to research the relations of carbon sources to structure of PHAs, six kinds of PHAs sample were synthesized by activated sludge with six different carbon sources respectively in the aerobic-anaerobic-anoxic process. Their structures were determined by 〓HNMR、〓CNMR and GC-MS. When the carbon source was acetate, the unit composition of PHAs was 93. 91mol% 3-hydroxybutanoic acid and 6. 09mol% 3-hydroxypentanoic acid ; When the carbon source was propionate, the unit composition of PHAs was 28. 66mol% HB, 63. 13mol%HV, 2. 55mol% 2-methy-3-hydroxy-butanoic acid (2MHB) and 5. 66mol% 2-methyl-3-hydroxypentanoic acid (2MHV); When the carbon source was 80% butyrate and 20% 1, 4-butanediol, the unit composition of PHAs was 65. 03mol% HB, 28. 06mol%HV, 1. 91mol%2MHB, 2. 69mol% 2MHV, 0.73mol% 4-hydroxy butanoic acid (4HB), 0.78mol% 4-methyl-3-hydroxy-pentanoic acid (4MHV), 0.80mol% 3-hydroxyhexanoic acid ; When the carbon source was 20% butyrate and 80% 1, 4-butanediol, the unit composition of PHAs was 61. 39mol% HB, 23. 01mol%HV, 4. 58mol%2MHB, 5. 97mol% 2MHV, 0.91mol% 4HB, 2. 37mol% 4MHV, 1. 77mol% HHx; When the carbon source was 60% pentanoate and 40%glucose, the unit composition of PHAs was 41. 24mol% HB, 58. 76mol%HV; When the carbon source was 60% benzoate and 40% glucose, the unit composition of PHAs was 65. 48mol% HB and 34. 52mol% HV.

为了研究不同碳源与产物PHAs结构的关系,采用好氧-厌氧-缺氧模式利用6种不同碳源培养活性污泥得到6种不同的PHAs样品,通过〓HNMR、〓CNMR和GC-MS谱图确定了这6种PHAs的单体成分和比例:以乙酸钠培养活性污泥得到的PHAs的单体组成是93.91mol%3-羟基丁酸和6.09mol%3-羟基戊酸;以丙酸钠培养活性污泥得到的PHAs的单体组成除28.66mol%HB、63.13mol%HV外,另外还有2.55mol%3-羟基2-甲基丁酸(2MHB)和5.66mol%3-羟基2-甲基戊酸(2MHV);以80%丁酸钠和20%1,4-丁二醇混合溶液培养活性污泥得到的PHAs含有七种单体组成:65.03mol%HB,28.06mol%HV,1.91mol%2MHB,2.69mol%2MHV,0.73mol%4-HB(4-羟基丁酸),0.78mol%4MHV(3-羟基-4-甲基戊酸),0.80%HHx(3-羟基己酸);以20%丁酸钠和80%1,4-丁二醇培养活性污泥所得到的PHAs含有与3#样品相同的七种单体,只是比例不同,分别是61.39mol%,23.01mol%,4.58mol%,5.97mol%,0.91mol%,2.37mol%,1.77mol%;以60%戊酸钠和40%葡萄糖培养活性污泥所得到的PHAs由HB和HV组成,比例是41.24 mol%∶58.76 mol%;以60%苯甲酸钠和40%葡萄糖培养活性污泥所得到的PHAs也由HB和HV组成,比例是65.48 mol%∶34.52 mol%。

It lists a case on relief management work of Jiangxi province.Finally, basing on the actual method management which has some weakness, this thesis puts forward some suggestions to solve the problem from different angles, like we must press on with consummate rove and cadge management and relief law system, the


After graduation/liberation; all night long; at dinner; at first; at last; at night; at noon; at once; at present; at war; at work; from time to time; for sale; in life; in need; in need of; in time; in time of; on duty; on sale; on show; on strike; on time; on watch at hand; in bed; in camp; in public; in space; in town; on top of; at/in peace with; beyond reach of; out of reach; within reach; in colour; in character; in debt; in fact; in half/into halves; in honour of; in line; in order; in price; in rags; in operation; in return; in search of; in use; for example; out of breath; out of danger; out of order; out of sight; on guard; on fire; without pride; under construction/ repair,etc.

第八章 动词与动词短语一,动词的分类从其含义来分,动词可分为行为动词,连系动词,情态动词和助动词四类:类别行为动词及物动词特点有完整的意义,能独立作谓语,可以有宾语,可以有被动语态有完整的意义,能独立作谓语,不带宾语,没有被动语态表示相对静止的状态表示短暂动作不能持续,不能同表示一段时间的状语连用动作可以持续,可以同表示一段时间的状语连用表示具有某种性质,特征和出于某种状态表示动词的动作和过程所产生的结果或状态表示某种持续的状态表示说话人对所说行为的看法,必须与其他动词一起构成谓语。

Result:①CASIC-2.0 has excellent reliability and the test result of CASI C-2.0 is stable.②50 as a cut-off score,the accuracy is high.③On reliability using ICD-10 criteria as "Gold Criteria" and 50 as a cut-off score,comparing with MMSE,CASIC-2.0 has a better specificity and the same sensitivity.


He starred opposite Jennifer Grey as a young working-class dance instructor at a Catskills resort who proved to have more heart, integrity and sex appeal than many of the wealthy guests with whom he was forbidden to fraternize.


Two steps were included in this reaction, first, sodium alkoxide was synthesized by th reaction between sodamide and cedrol, then cedrol methyl ether was synthesized by methylation reaction between sodium alkoxide and dimethyl sulfate.


For this purpose, genotyping was performed on males of 18 Angus, 23 Jinnan cattle, 20 Limousin, 28 Luxi cattle, 26 Qinchuan cattle, 29 Simmental, 29 Charolais. In the association studies traits of interest were analyzed using the RFLP-PCR and GLM procedure of SAS 9.1 and least square means of the genotypes were compared by the Tukey' s test.

基于这一目标,应用RFLP技术对18头安格斯,23头晋南牛,20头利木赞,28头鲁西牛,26头秦川牛,29头西门塔尔牛和29头夏洛莱牛进行了基因型分型,SAS 9.1的GLM过程中的Duncan's 检验对不同基因型之间进行了多重比较分析,结果表明,EcoRⅤ位点与体重、日增重、眼肌面积和嫩度之间存在显著生物学相关,并且AG基因型个体与其它基因型相比在日增重和嫩度上存在显著差异(p0.05),而AA基因型个体相对于其它基因型具有较大的眼肌面积(p0.05)。

The transverse lattice of checkerboard is 7 of width, and 13 of length which implies that Beijing won the competition of hosting Olympic Games on July 13 ; The Temple of Heaven is embodiment of Beijing ; The highest storey of checkerboard is golden , implied that the chessman has arrived at the maximal realm and gained a gold medal ; The area marked (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) are disobey gauge areas , distinguished in red and green. The chessman will be punished when passing the different color disobey gauge area which implies that behavior of breaking the rules will be punished (for instance: Using the excitant); Playing the Xin'ao Chess, both sides sit in a line, it implies that both sides are located in the same starting line and fair competition.


Meiotic pachytene bivalents were obtained from porcine testes using prolonged hypotonic treatment combined with high chloroform Carnory's fixative solution. Mitotic metaphase chromosomes were prepared from blood cell culture. Comparative studies on division index and length of pachytene bivalents and mitosis metaphase chromosomes showed that those of the former are 5 times higher and 3.42(1.87~5.98) times longer than the latter, respectively. Chromomere maps of bivalents are more abundant than mitotic metaphase G-bands, while they are correspondent with mitotic early-metaphase G-bands. The result was found by using the chromosome 12 as a sample.


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Shop assistant: Please check at the door.


In the end, transportation of PAHs in the environmental matrix was preliminarily investigated and discussed according to PAHs data of soils and sediments from a certain region in Shanghai. The result indicated that there are two or more pathways on PAHs transportation in the environmental matrix.


Quick stop! AIDS doctors while the side and say hello and colleagues mention a blood sample box, the Red Cross had sent blankets and so on, with patients有说有笑to go home.
