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与 分与 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The greater number were at bottom zealous Catholics, but their zeal, agreeing with that of the Jansenists on so many points, took on, so to speak, an outer colouring of Jansenism, and they were drawn into closer sympathy with the party in proportion to the confidence with which it inspired them.


This course mainly consists of 4 parts:1.Logical algebra and logical simplification, Karnaugh Map and Q-M approach.


Namely, the first, the beginning, end and length of growing season of every type of vegetation is estimated with threshold method and moving average method, and the beginning end and length of growing season of vegetation from 1982 to 1999 is fitted linearly, finally, linear trend of the beginning end and length of growing season of vegetation is analyzed. The second, phenological phase in different years and zones is estimated based on greatest changes of slope method and EOF analysis method, and the result monitored by the two methods is compared, as a result, trend of growing season change from 1982 to 1999 in different latitude zones is better acquired. The third, phenological phase of vegetation in different spatial location from 1982 to 1999 is fitted based on curve. Then, spatial difference rules of growing season of every year and average of multi-year is discussed in article. In the end, lag correlation and linear regress are used to study relation between phenological phase of different types of vegetation, different latitude zones, different spatial places and climate changes.


III Investigations of ferromagnetic alloy films by XMCD1. By using XMCD and SQUID magnetometry, the spin and orbital moments of Fe and Co in the Co_(0.9)Fe_(0.1)(50nm) are studied. Compared with single-element film, the spin moment of Co remains constant while that of Fe reduced from 1.98 to 1.63μB. The contributions of different elements in the film is, m_ : m_ - 10.5 : 89.5. The average magnetic moment (1.90μB) determined by XMCD is in agreement with that (1.82μB) obtained from SQUID measurements. Utilizing XMCD spectra in-plane element-dependent magnetic anisotropy in Co_(0.9)Fe_(0.1) films has been investigated. Apart from known field-induced easy axis during film growth, a soft axis perpendicular to it was observed, and hard axes are 66° away from the easy axis.

利用XMCD谱研究了50nm Co_(0.9)Fe_(0.1)薄膜,结果发现:样品中Fe、Co元素对磁化强度的贡献比为10.5∶89.5;由XMCD获得的合金平均原子磁矩1.90μ_B与用SQUID磁强计得到的合金平均原子磁矩1.82μ_B基本相符;对Co_(0.9)Fe_(0.1)薄膜面内元素分辨的磁各向异性的研究发现,除了在生长的磁诱导方向存在易磁化轴外,与该轴垂直的方向还存在一个类似易轴的软磁化轴;面内的两个难磁化轴与易磁化轴取向大约成66°夹角,构成面内双轴磁各向异性,并根据XMCD结果对面内双轴形成的原因进行了分(来源:Ad2BC82论文网www.abclunwen.com)析。2。

"That the doctrine of the Reformed churches concerning predestination, and the points annexed to it, by its own genius and necessary tendency, leads off the minds of men from all piety and religion; that it is an opiate administered by the flesh and by the devil, and the stronghold of Satan, where he lies in wait for all; and from which he wounds multitudes, and mortally strikes through many with the darts both of despair and security; that it makes God the author of sin, unjust, tyrannical, hypocritical; that it is nothing more than interpolated Stoicism, Manicheism, Libertinism, Turcism; that it renders men carnally secure, since they are persuaded by it that nothing can hinder the salvation of the elect, let them live as they please; and therefore, that they may safely perpetrate every species of the most atrocious crimes; and that, if the reprobate should even perform truly all the works of the saints, their obedience would not in the least contribute to their salvation; that the same doctrine teaches, that God, by a mere arbitrary act of his will, without the least respect or view to sin, has predestinated the greatest part of the world to eternal damnation; and, has created them for this very purpose; that in the same manner in which the election is the fountain and cause of faith and good works, reprobation is the cause of unbelief and impiety; that many children of the faithful are torn, guiltless, from their mothers' breasts, and tyrannically plunged into hell; so that, neither baptism, nor the prayers of the Church at their baptism, can at all profit by them;" and many other things of the same kind, which the Reformed Churches not only do not acknowledge, but even detest with their whole soul.

"该学说的革新教会联谊会关于宿命,并分附在它,由它自己的天才和必要的倾向,导致起飞的头脑男子从所有虔诚与宗教;这是一个鸦片类由血肉所魔鬼和据点撒旦,在那里他是在等待所有;从他的伤口众多,而致命打击,通过许多与飞镖都绝望与安全;因为它使上帝的作者单,不公正,专横,虚伪的,即它只不过是多插生活俭朴,摩尼教,放纵, turcism ;这使得男性的肉体关系稳固,因为它们是说服它说,没有任何东西可以阻碍救赎的选举,让他们住,因为他们请;因此,他们可以安全地胡作非为,每一个物种的最残暴的罪行,并认为,如果reprobate甚至应该真正履行全部工程的圣人,他们的服从,将不会在至少贡献出他们的救恩,即同一教义教导说,上帝,由一个单纯的任意行为,他的意志,如果没有起码的尊重,或以单,有predestinated最大的是世界的一部分,以永恒damnation ,并且创造了,他们为了这个目的,即在同一何种方式选举是喷泉和事业的信念和良好的工程, reprobation ,是导致不信者和不虔诚;说,许多儿童的教友们被拆除,无罪,从他们的母亲的乳房,并tyrannically陷入地狱,因此,既不洗礼,也没有祷告的教会,在他们的洗礼,能在所有利润由他们来主宰;"和许多其他东西的同类,而改革教会不仅不承认,但即使是讨厌自己的整个灵魂。

Both of the thermophiles were motile by means of lophotrichous flagella and had high growth rate on medium containing cellulose. Optimal growth occured at 60℃ for the two thermophiles and at PH 7. 5 for Y, PH 7. 37. 5 for W strain. Y strain produced yellow pigment in cellulose medium and had yellow-colored, round or watery colonies in cellulose agar. The colonies of W strain were white -colored and similar in form to that of Y strain. The mesophile, Clostridium sp. B, was motile with peritrichous flagella. The colonies grown on cellulose agar were white and round with slightly undulate margins. The optimal growth temperature and PH of B strain were 40℃ and 7. 0-7. 2, respectively. All of the three Clostridia fermented varieties of carbohydrates and in cellulose media produced the similar end-products: CO〓H〓, ethanol and acetic acid. The DNA compositions were 34 mol% for Y and B, 35 mol% for W strain.

嗜热菌y与w在含纤维素的培养基中生长迅速,其最适生长温度均为60℃;最适PHy为7.5,w为7.3-7.5.y菌在纤维素培养基中产生黄色,在纤维素琼脂中菌落为黄色并呈圆形或流动粥样。w菌落为白色,但形状与y菌类似,嗜温菌B在纤维素琼脂上菌落为白色,圆形,边缘呈微小波状,最适PH与温度分别为7.0-7.2和40℃,三支菌都可发酵多种碳水化合物,且在纤维素培养基中产生同样的产物:CO〓H〓,乙醇和乙酸,三者DNA组成分别是y为34mol%,w 35mol%,B 34mol%。

Today, Napier is one of the largest higher education institutions in Scotland with around 14,000 students studying professional ad relevant courses at all levels of award in three faculties; Health, Life and Social Science; Engineering, Computing and Creative Industries; and Napier University Business School.


Firstly, we used the Raman scattering method which can calibrate in real time to measure the O2 (a1 Δ) yield of SOG for the first time in China. The measurement relative error is less than 8%. Based on the data from the experiments, we report the results that the diluent category and ratios influence the O2 (a1 Δ) yield. The relationship of P-τ values and the O2 (a1 Δ) yield of this SOG were given. The effects of distance and bypass of gas transportation on the O2 (a1 Δ) yield are investigated. Secondly, the chlorine utilization was measured by using Raman spectroscopy simultaneously when the O2 (a1 Δ) yield was measured. This method originated with us. The result about the chlorine utilization is coincident with other theoretic and experimental conclusions. The relationship given in this paper between gas stay time in SOG and chlorine utilization offers reference to improve the reaction efficiency and chemical efficiency of COIL. Finally, the partial water vapor pressure at the exit of SOG was measured by absorption spectroscopy. The water vapor fraction and partial pressure have trends changed with the generator total pressure, the diluentratios, and the BHP temperature. These experimental results are very important to improve experimental conditions of SOG, reduce the water vapor fraction, and enhance the output power of COIL.


By analyzing the problem of hydrological 3D spatial dispersion in 3D finite differential numeric simulation of porous groundwater flow, as well as discontinuous spatial distribution and asymmetric thickness of porous aquiferous strata and partitive groundwater stratum, the paper presents the GIS-based technique of 3D spatial dispersion of porous aquiferous stratum system. Besides, the paper puts forward the 3D spatial dispersion method of irregular hexahedral unit based on GIS to guarantee to the greatest degree the uniqueness of the stratum types among the dispersed units and improve the precision of 3D spatial dispersion.


By analyzing the problem of hydrological 3D spatial dispersion in 3D finite differential numeric simulation of porous groundwater flow, as well as discontinuous spatial distribution and asymmetric thickness of porous aquiferous strata and partitive groundwater stratum, the paper presents the GIS-based technique of 3D spatial dispersion of porous aquiferous stratum system .


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Shop assistant: Please check at the door.


In the end, transportation of PAHs in the environmental matrix was preliminarily investigated and discussed according to PAHs data of soils and sediments from a certain region in Shanghai. The result indicated that there are two or more pathways on PAHs transportation in the environmental matrix.


Quick stop! AIDS doctors while the side and say hello and colleagues mention a blood sample box, the Red Cross had sent blankets and so on, with patients有说有笑to go home.
