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与 分与 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Objective: To set up a classification for displaced patellar fracture in surgical operation,and discuss the selection of internal fixations.


On PDA plate, colonies grow rapidly to 12.5~37.2 mm/21d, phialide discrete, arising solitary from the aerial mycelium, septated at the base or middle, hyaline, smooth, 14.9~23.2μm long, 1.9~3.1μm at base, tapering to less than 1.0 μm at tip; conidia hyaline, reniform to elliptical, bulk is (4.6~5.9)μm×(2.1~3.4)/lm. These morphological characteristics are significantly different from the well-described Neotyphodiurn species. Their phylogenetic relationship remains further researches.

ciliaris12株Neotyphodium属真菌为材料,详细研究了我国干旱地区Neotyphodium属真菌的形态学特征:在PDA平板上生长很快,21 d生长12.5~37.2 mm;分生孢子梗长14.9~23.2μm,基部宽1.9~3.1μm,顶端小于1μm,通常基部或近基部有隔膜;分生孢子无色透明,卵圆形或肾形,单个顶生,(4.6~5.9)μm×(2.1~3.4)μm,与其它已知Neotyphodium属真菌形态差异显著,需要进行更深入的研究。

These results demonstrate that the Chinese seed plant genera correspond well to recognized vegetation zones and floristic regions, providing further support for the current phytogeographic definitions.


Combining the available regional geological and geophysical research, the petrogenesis of the magmatism was studied. As a response and absorption to the IndiaAsia collision, the northeastward flow of the asthenosphere beneath the Tibetan Plateau along the 400 km depth interface was blocked by the North China craton, and caused a systemic sequences in West Qinling Region, including the strikeslip fault systems and pullapart basins in the shallow crust and the origin of the twotype magmatism in this work in deep lithosphere. This explanation is consistent with the lithology and plumelike geochemical features of the kamafugite and potassic trachybasalt, which are significantly different from the potassic magmatism within the plateau and its adjacent regions.

结合前人对该区深部地球物理和断裂构造的研究,论证了火山岩的起源与成因,指出作为对印度-欧亚大陆强烈碰撞的吸收与调节,高原下软流圈地幔流沿400 km界面向北东方向的侧向流动以及西秦岭周边克拉通块体的阻挡,是形成西秦岭断裂系左行走滑特征和巨大拉分盆地的主要原因,也是导致西秦岭新生代两类钾质火山岩和碳酸岩起源与成因的动力学机制,较好地解释了西秦岭新生代岩浆作用起源深度大,具有地幔柱源的地球化学特征,岩石组合与地球化学有别于高原内部及其周边地区新生代钾质火山岩的原因。

Because the temperature of coal volatile pyrogenation differs from the temperature of reduction of iron oxide by H2, H2 releases at the initial stages of reduction, and the reduction efficiency of hydrogen is very low.


The results showed that the clonal growth form changed continuously by the birth and death regulation of daughter ramet and tiller.


The results showed that the clonal growth form changed continuously by the birth and death regulation of daughter ramet and tillˉ er.


This may be mostly resulted from the smaller lateral root diameter and the nearer distance between clonal ramet and mother plant or related to the environmental conditions of different population patches or different management measures.


The experiments are as follows: Many times degreasing,short ratio of liquor,unhairing and liming with so- dium sulfide,reliming,bating with mixture enzymes in low temperature,retan- ning with modified glutaraldehyde—chrome,many times fatliquoring partly,and so on.


New planted ramie often have defects of fewer efficient plant numbers, many of high-branches, difficult to peel bast, low yield, bad fiber quality and so on. Aiming at all these shortages, the cuttage breeding technology of fine varieties and high-yield and good-quality cultivating method, breeding Cutting seedling with several low-branches, planting deeply appropriately, ridging to foster rootstocks when intertilling, was brought forward.


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I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
