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与 分与 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

First, the basic concept of VR and review of the present research method of architecture presentation are introduced, it proves that VR is necessary and reliable to represent architecture as a new method. Second, geometrical optimized method and texture optimized method are discussed specially, along with the analysis of characteristic of ancient and modern architectures. In the third part, the exhibition effect of optimized technique proved that the technique proposed in this dissertation is feasible and valid, which is applied in the Grand Leshan Buddha and Olympic Park separately.


From the structure of the paper, the first part is the theory. Marx national theory and the Western countries intervener's theory, The second part is the practice of state intervention, Part III is divided into conclusions, By exploring, corporatizing analysis of the United States, Germany, Japan, the three developed and developing countries.To studying the market economic model of state intervention, that the conclusion is meaningful and valuable to the Theory and Practice of China's economic development, to the harmonious society and scientific and technological progress.


Summary: The concept of matrix and its determinant computing, matrix determinant, matrix sub-block with the elementary transformation, invertible matrix, rank of matrix; vector and its computation, the linear relationship between vector, vector group of rank; linear equations of the nature and structure of linear equations; matrix eigenvalue and eigenvector, similar to matrix and matrix diagonalization conditions, the standard quadratic form with the normal forms, quadratic and symmetric matrix There are qualitative.


This conception of globalization regard globalization as the unity of universalization and particularization,integration and fragmentation,centralization and decentralization,internationalization and domestication,and cosmopolitanism and nationalism.


In the elaboration process, mainly introduced the changing about taotiedesign and bird line status relations with transformation shang and zhou dynasty, andnoted the step difference which the cultural transformation and the society transformedto cause early zhou time the still to save the Yin person style; and appearing qiequ lineshas ended taotie design mysterious and norm, has guided it that the style of ritualbronze imagery liberates. Paying attention to heng S shape being put into use commonlyin design and model, suggesting that qiequ lines originates from taotie design, bird linesand xiang bilong lines is the formative technology need.


Currently activities involve (1) Investigation of dye-DNA interaction by using spectroscopic methods to probe the binding sites between chromophore and DNA and to identify various DNA conformational structures, particularly the telomeric DNA;(2) Investigation of the structure-activity correlation of anti-telomerase agents;(3) Design and synthesis new compounds for antitumor agents and fluorescence biomarkers;(4) Monitoring the folding and unfolding of quadruplex structure, tracing the pathway of drug delivery and probing drug-target interaction by using single molecule microscopy and spectroscopy.

目前 的研究重点分别是(1)利用光谱方法探讨探针分子与DNA的交互作用,特别是作用位置与结构变化;(2)研究抗端粒酵素作用分子之结构与生物活性之关系;(3)设计及合成抗肿瘤药剂或萤光生物标记;(4)建立单分子萤光光谱与影像技术,研究 DNA的多变型结构之变化机制,监测药物输送的路径过程及其在细胞中与标的物的作用。

Major results were summarized as follows:(1) A total of 58 tree species from 53 genera in 36 families among which 8 species were Rosaceae, 5 species were Liliaceae, 5 species were Eriaceae, 3 species were Ranunculaceae, 3 species were Compositae, 2 species were Cupressaceae, 2 species were Caprifoliaceae, 2 species were Umblliferae, and other 28 tree species were only one receptively. These were recorded in the 8 plots of the A. georgei var. smithii forest;(2) Number of families, genera, species and Margalef index correlated negatively with altitude (P.05), with a peak at 3600 m.(3) Shannon-Wiener index correlated negatively with altitude (P.01), and maintained stable at the altitudes between 3700~4100 m, evenness with altitudes, however, this trend was insignificant.(4) Jaccard index increased sharply with increasing altitude at the altitudes between 3600~4100 m, and was lower between different vegetation types at the altitudes between 4100~4200. Cody index β(subscript c decreased with an increasing altitude, but there were 2 troughs between 4000~4100 m and 4200~4300 m.(5) Maximum tree height H(subscript max and HH(subscript max=37 mcorrelated negatively with altitude (P.05); but basal area and BA BA(subscript max=5.3m^2 correlated with altitudes, however, this trend was insignificant.

结果表明:(1)在调查的8个急尖长苞冷杉林样地内共有植物58种,分属于36科53属,其中植物较多的科有蔷薇科8种、百合科5种、杜鹃花科5种、毛茛科3种、菊科3种、柏科2种、忍冬科2种、伞形科2种,其余的28科各只有1个种;(2)物种科、属、种数、Margalef指数D(下标 M与海拔存在显著的负相关性(P.05),在分布急尖长苞冷杉最低海拔3600m处出现物种丰富度的最大值;(3)多样性指数与海拔之间有极显著的负相关性(P.01),并且在3700~4100m之间多样性指数保持稳定;均匀度指数与海拔梯度之间存在负相关性,但不显著;(4)Jaccard指数C(下标 j在海拔3600~4100m随海拔的升高而升高,在生境过渡带的4100~4200m之间Jaccard指数C(下标 j较低;Cody指数β(下标 c随海拔的升高呈下降的趋势,但在4000~4100m和4200~4300m 海拔区间出现2个低谷;(5)最大树高H(下标 max和最大胸径DBH(下标 max与海拔之间存在显著负相关性(P.05);胸高断面积之和和立木密度与海拔之间存在负相关性,但不显著。

Policy recommendations: 1 Improve relevant policies, laws and regulations, including: the responsibility of governments at all levels, funds raise and management, program for Coordinating, the responsibility of public hospital. 2 Establish sustained and stable funding and management mechanism, emphasis fund-raising responsibilities of government at all levels, strengthen government and social organizations, set up special accounts of MAP, study the scientific and reasonable mechanism for distribution of funds. 3 Optimize Program for Coordinating MAP and NCMS, including: Free out-patient services, abolition of pay lines of out-patient and hospitalization, out-patient help including village health clinic and chronic disease; hospital help by disease, sub-object and pro-rata; increase sorts of serious disease, set reasonable pay line, cap line, and proportion in MAP; regular or occasional payment of a fixed payment or MAP cards, improve MAP coverage and benefit rates.4 Establish a new type of management for Coordinating MAP and NCMS.


The purpose of this paper is to analyze how Julie Taymor applies the theories and techniques of avant-garde theatre directors, and how she listen diverse media, such as visual arts and animation, to reinterpret Shakespeare's story about an ancient ruthless Roman general's revenge. The whole film serves as a dream itself, filled with postmodern montage; and along with its artistic style of provoking morality and reason, all reveal the director's intention of creating a black somnambulating journey where the boundaries between dream and reality, good and evil, reason and consciousness, pain and joy are vague and undistinguishable.


By and large, research projects undertaken by the Group fall into three categories. The first is geotechnical properties and prevention of geological hazards, with the stress on researches on dynamic properties of marine soil, coast-beach erosion and seabed failure, sediment reformation by benthonic fauna, failure of submarine pipelines, environmental geotechnical techniques, etc. The second is research on pollution and treatment of water and soil, with the stress on researches on ecological effects of exploitation activities in the marine environment, treatment of beach sediment pollution, treatment techniques of sea organism pollution, groundwater PRB treatment technique development, etc. The third is exploration of underground environment and geophysical data processing techniques, with the stress on devising equipment for detecting underground pollution and geological hazards, environmental GIS (Geographical Information System) and related analysis software, etc.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
