英语人>网络例句>函数的积分 相关的搜索结果


与 函数的积分 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The main purpose is to construct cubature formulae on an arbitrary spherical triangle. Firstly a method for accurately computing the definite integral of spherical polynomial functions on a spherical triangle is proposed.


The characteristic function of the probability density function of response variable is obtained by the high efficient multidimensional numerical integration method or convolution integral based on response surface method. Then the discrete probability density function of response variable is calculated using the fast Fourier inverse transform technique, at last the cumulative distribution function of the response variable can be quantitatively determined.


In order to avoid the singularity in the integration, the integrand was expressed to be sum of complex exponential terms by using discrete complex image method. With generalized pencil of function method introduced, the number, location and intensity of images were obtained without extracting the quasi-static and surface wave terms in the integrand, which makes DCIM more efficient for multi-layered media.


Baernstein[2] gave the conclusion by using Koebe function as the extremal function , Glenn Schober[6] studied the classes such as S, P, K, S* of H and represented these functions with integral formulations. Wang Jian[3] and others investigated the integral mean values. Our work is continuation of their work.

Baernstein首先在单位圆上讨论给出了以Koebe函数作为极值函数的结论,Glenn Schober对H中一些函数子类如S、P、K、S~*等作了研究,将这些子类上的函数用积分表达出来,王键结合Baernstein~*函数的定义及Glenn Schober的结论,定义了对称集的概念并得出了一些函数类在其上的积分平均。

In the integral formula of Fourier transforms of option pricing formula,by using residues theorem two integrations were simplified into a single numerical integration which has a faster rate of decay.


Meanwhile, having a good knowledge of the concept of the indefinite integral and selecting and using the indefinite integral method in the right way, is the key to put the indefinite integral calculates into practice.


And it makes a detailed and brief exposition, and offers some extremely targeted examples of the application, in order to understand the integrability conditions and enhance the understanding and application capability.


It is found that there are similarities in terms of spectral integral among the wind input source terms given by Jeffreys, Sverdrup and Munk, and Plant and among the wave breaking dissipation source terms given by Tsikunov,Hasselmann and Philips,although the original forms and the physical considerations of these source terms are significantly different.


In study of the truss structural dynamic characteristics analysis, randomness of the structural physical parameters and geomtric ones are all considered. The finite element model of the stochastic truss is built and the random functions of its natural frequencies are obtained by use of the Rayleigh quotient. Employing probabilistic distribution function expression for the random functions, through a series of mathematical processing including determination of limits of integrals, variable substitution etc., the probaabilistic density function for the truss natural frequencies are gained to realige accurate calculation for the reliability of the truss natural frequencies.


Since the commutators of both sing-ular integral operators and fractional integral operator with BMO functions areone of the special cases of〓,so the discussion of the boundedness of〓notonly gives a new proof of the boundedness of the two commutators,but al-soweakens some of restrictions into discuss the problem,thus it impro-vessome of results inwith the method of complex analysis,show-ed boundedness of〓,then directly obtained boundedness of the commutato-rs of fractional integral operator with BMO functions.


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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
