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Now that the L-valued fuzzy state automata has such powerful computation capacity, it is necessary to traverse the algebraic properties such as transformation semigroups,products and covering relations in L-valued fuzzy automata in order to show the close correspondence between the algebraic properties and the latticeordered monoid.
In the four section, from the interpolationdimension of an algebraic curve and an algebraic surface,using theoryand method of algebraic geometry, we get some interpolation of analgebraic curve and an algebraic surface, and we prove the reasonableof the interpolation dimension of an algebraic curve and an algebraicsurface.
First,the basic formulas solving the artificial earthquake wave compatible with object response spectra are established;the integration equations are translated into the algebraic equations by interpolation function.
A polynomial system PS over the rational number field is constructed from the formula...,in a given many-valued logic system such that follows from ...,iff the algebraic variety defined by PS is empty, iff the idealenerated by PS is trivial.
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The finite element analysis software ALGOR is used to verify the results.
Furthermore,3-D FEM algorithm based on the division of tetrahedral grids is deduced by the equations of point electrical source field.
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Since computers are the locus where all these devices hail from and head toward, we can see in them now the alienness of unfamiliar complex machines.
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- 推荐网络例句
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But he could still end up breakfasting on Swiss-government issue muesli because all six are accused of nicking around 45 million pounds they should have paid to FIFA.
Closes the eye, the deep breathing, all no longer are the dreams as if......