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But the new model of trailers reveals practically the whole plot-and robs the moviegoer of that cherished quality, pristine ignorance.


Television is a one-eyed monster that has occupied almost all of our spare time.


Passage 6 The One-eyed Monster Television is a one-eyed monster that has occupied almost all of our spare time.


I know pretty nearly all the secrets of his married life.


Leaves quadrangular in cross section, equifacial or subequifacial, all surfaces similar in color, stomatal lines present and almost equal in number on each surface.


This rigidness also meant that the Russian Air Force totally neglected air superiority in favor of dedicating everything to tactical air support, but this resulted in its almost total destruction, on the ground and in the air.


This rigidness also meant that the Russian Air Force totally neglectedair superiority in favor of dedicating everything to tactical airsupport, but this resulted in its almost total destruction, on theground and in the air.


The coastal city of Saint-Pierre was destroyed on May 8, 1902, when the Mount Pelee volcano erupted, killing more than 30,000 people -- nearly the total population of the town.


Like almost every honest-hearted young man, he had thought of every young girl as of a possible future wife, had adapted to them in his imagination all the pictures of domestic felicity: the white morning wrapper, the wife behind the samovar, the wife's carriage, the little ones, mamma and papa, their attitude to one another, and so on, and so on.


But normally you can scan source code almost at the speed you'd read English text, and you'll feel confident that you understand the overall shape and that you'll probably spot any truly egregious errors.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
