英语人>网络例句>准确率 相关的搜索结果


与 准确率 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Ultrasonography is rather accurate for ectopic pregnancy diagnosis,and it is also painless and woundless.


The differences in 13 proteinsbetween PDOM, literature as well as SCOP have been discussed extensively.

用由 55 个蛋白质结构组成的测试数据集评估 PDOM,如果以晶体结构作者确定的结构域划分作为标准,PDOM 的划分准确率为 76%。

In a controlled lab setting, she says, accuracy rates are in the range of 78 to 81%.

在受控制的实验室设置中,她说,准确率均在射程为78至81 %。

The testing results show that this method acquires very high precision and veracity.


Geimiculture and drug sensitive test of airway aspirates have their significance of clinical guidance and can increase diagnostic accuracy rate and the efficiency rate of treatments in combined with the BALF.


The accuracy of these assays was 100% in terms of specificity.


The quality of cataloguing data has direct influences on the speed and accuracy of readers searching and borrowing books.


In this experiment, working efficiency and mental fatigue degree were quantitatively measured, analyzed and evaluated through charactering the gross of letters crossed out and reading accuracy as objective indexes for appraising reading environment.


To put up founding and test experiments in these two ways separately, the first model use fixed training data to train the network and it constringed at the ninety circles, it's test identifying rate is eighty eight percent;the second model use the same fixed training data to train the network and it constringed at the sixty circles, it's test identifying rate is ninety nine percento Thus shows that the model with the switched character data is more better in identifying rate and it' s training time is shorter than the model used the character data directly,, Use BP Neural Network to forecast the Medicine Production quality is a better method..


The specific band EM433 was recovered., cloned and sequenced, and 2 primers of Sequence characterized amplified regions markers, 5 --CGAGACGTCCGAGTC GATATAGC-3 - and 5 --GTCGTCCTTCTAGTGGGTATCCTCC-3 -, were deviced and systhesised in terms of the result of sequence. 41 strains of V dahliae were amplified specifically, 9 nondefoliating strains and 2 defoliating strains could yield EM.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
