英语人>网络例句>准确率 相关的搜索结果


与 准确率 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Diag- nostic functions established by Bayesian methods have such advantages as high sensitivity, specificity and accuracy, and are of great clinical value in early diagnosis of cancers.


In diagnosis of aplastic anemia, anemia, lymphoma, osteofibroma, MDS and myeloproliferative disease, bone marrow biopsy is better than puncture biopsy.


Due to technological advances with video-optical techniques in recent years, videotelescopy has become available for the diagnosis of otological diseases. To the best of our knowledge, there have been no reports concerning the accuracy of videotelescopy for the diagnosis of OME in children.


Objective To evaluate the accuracy of mammography,ultrasonography and combination of the two methods in non papable breast lesions;and to assess the clinical usefulness of US guided biopsy for non papable breast lesions.

目的 评价和比较乳腺X线摄影、超声成像以及二者联合在微小乳腺病变中的诊断准确率;探讨超声引导下定位活检对微小乳腺病变的临床应用。

In one experiment, for example, a network of 34 radios was able to keep track of Mr Wilson's position with an accuracy of less than a metre—a figure that Dr Patwari and Mr Wilson think could be improved greatly by using specially designed radios instead of off-the-shelf ones.


Mean CT attenuation value was obtained for normal pancreatic parenchyma, lesions and major peripancreatic blood vessels,respectively.

据报道 ,动态CT扫描技术对胰腺癌诊断和分期的准确率大于 90 %,成为主要的影像学检查方法[1,2 ] 。

Diagnostic peritoneocentesis and ultrasound are rapid and accurate modalities for the diagnosis of intraabdominal injury.


Abstract] objective to explore the accuracy and safety of safety drillprepared for cervical pedicle screw trajectory.methods fourteen adult cadaver specimens of cervical spine(c3~c7)with intact structures including ligaments and perivertebral muscles were reserved and used.according to the radiographic measurements,safety drill was inserted into cervical pedicle individually.the evaluation of the drill's trajectory was carried out by ct scan and three-dimension reconstruction and autopsy.results one hundred and forty drill's trajectories were made.9 holes failed with a perforation rate of 6.4%.conclusion the safety drill prepared for cervical pedicle screw hole is safe and effective and can be applied and popularized clinically.

目的 探索安全钻头应用于颈椎弓根螺钉孔道钻探的安全性与准确性。方法随机取14具福尔马林浸泡的成人颈椎标本(c3~c7),保留完整的脊柱三柱结构及相关的韧带和椎旁肌,根据影像学测量的进钉点和进钉方向,模拟颈椎后路手术过程。选用安全钻头,进行实际的颈椎弓根螺钉孔道的钻探,将孔道行ct扫描,并斜位三维重建孔道形态,并以肉眼直视观察结果为金标准,评价孔道钻探的成败。结果钻探孔道准确率89.3%(125/140),穿孔率6.4%(9/140)。结论安全钻头应用于颈椎弓根螺钉孔道钻探的安全性与准确性均较高,可以在临床上推广使用。

After injecting Gd-DTPA,the tumors mildly or moderately enhanced in 5,non-enhancement in1,MR could demonstrate clearly the cauliflowerlikeor papillaryform protrudinginto the bladder lumen,or out of vesical wall,Perivesical fat and adjacent structuresand lymph nodes were involved.


objective to evaluate the main points and complications of ct-guided percutaneous pneumocentesis in patients with lung lesions.methods cook 18~21g puncture needle was used to inserting aspiration in the optimal level,situs,angle and depth.and had made of multidrop.fifty-nine patients with lung lesions underwent ct-guided percutaneous pneumocentesis and follow-up.results the successful puncture rate was 100%,accurate diagnose rate was 92%(54/59).conclusion ct-guided pneumocentesis for chest lesion is a efficient and safe diagnostic method.but it is important to improve the doctor′s operating skill to lessen vascular complication.

目的 探讨ct引导下经皮肺穿刺活检的技术要点及并发症。方法采用cook公司18~21g自动弹射活检枪,选择最佳层面、进针点、进针角度和深度,行多点取材。回顾性分析59例肺内病变ct引导下经皮肺穿刺活检术。结果穿刺成功率100%,活检诊断准确率为92%(54/59)。3例发生轻度气胸,2例穿刺后咯血痰。结论 ct引导下经皮肺穿刺活检术成功率高,是安全的,但操作医生熟练的技术方法非常重要,并可以减少并发症的发生。

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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
