英语人>网络例句>准确率 相关的搜索结果


与 准确率 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Results:Of 22 cases,Epigastric or pancreatic masses were found in 15 cases(68.2%). Accurate localization rates of ultrasound and CT examinations were 80% and 87.5%, respectively.


Application of multi-modality medical image fusion technology in the fusion of MR and PET images can improve the accuracy of the localization of epileptogenic foci and provide more accurate diagnostic information for the surgical therapies and three-dimensional orientation radioative treatments.


Application of multi-modality medical image fusion technology in the fusion of MR and PET images can improve the accuracy of the localization of epileptogenic foci and provide more accurate diagnostic information for the surgical therapies and three-dimensional orientation radioative treatments.


The result showed that the method of transfer and the status of estrous affected the rate of recipient pregnancy signifi

C (4)用发情状况和移植方式建立的回归方程P=_ l+e可对受体妊娠率进行预测,预测准确率为79 3%。

Forecast accurate rate of the extratropical cyclone was analyzed by using the Japanese meteorological facsimile chart.

利用日本东京JMH台发布的地面24 h、48 h预报图,对温带气旋预报准确率进行了统计分析。

Methods CT and MRI findings and data of 60 cases with subdural hematlmas atcerebral falx or tentorium of cerebellum were retrospectively analyzed.

目的 分析脑镰、小脑幕硬膜下血肿的CT、MRI表现,提高其诊断准确率方法回顾性分析总结60例大脑镰、小脑幕硬膜下血肿的CT和MRI资料。

Results The qualitative accuracy of CT in diagnosis of breast cancer, galactocele, lipoma, fibroadenoma, gynecomastia, breast hyperplasia was 80%(8/10), 100%(2/2), 100%(1/1), 100%(27/27), 100%(7/7), 100%(14/14), respectively.

钼靶摄影显示成簇样微小钙化优于CT.CT和钼靶摄影对乳房肿块的诊断准确率分别为 97%和71%。

The image quality, lesion detection rate and accuracy rate of virtual gastroscopy were evaluated, then compared with the gastroscopic and operation outcome.


Objective In order to reduce the time which the patient stayed on the operative table, it must be to short the time to make the section, to rise the quality to make the section, so as to rise the rate of diagnose exactly. Methods The unfixed tissue blocks were put into the freezing chamber and cut it for 5 or 10 μm section at once after it were frozen,then put it into the fixactives for 20 seconds and stained with haematoxylin and eosin.

目的 了减少患者在手术台上的停留时间,必须缩短切片制作时间,提高制片的质量,如此可提高诊断准确率方法将未经固定的组织块放入冷冻箱内,冷冻后切片5μm或10μm,即刻于固定液里固定20s,用HE染色。

The hospital introduced present international most advanced equipment, electroencephalograph and dynamic electroencephalograph, which raise high clinic precision and lay a foundation for heteropathy and rise of curative effect.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
