- 推荐网络例句
Move the crosshair into the safe area to start the coun..
移动安全领域的十字线进入启动coun 。。
Next to the possibility of combining resistance-lowering riblet surfaces with the lotus effect for use on aircraft, it has been demonstrated in water that an artificial shark skin made of elastic material significantly delays biofouling, i. e. the growth of marine microorganisms on a surface.
旁边 riblet 表面电阻降结合使用 Lotus 影响,在飞机上可能它已被证明水中大弹性材料制成的人工鲨鱼皮肤延迟附著,岛·生长的表面上的海洋微生物。
Also, in the back of my head I knew I could not continue