英语人>网络例句>冲积扇 相关的搜索结果


与 冲积扇 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Chestnut soil in an elevation of 2200-2800 meters ditch horse business, Jackdaws small ditch on the south side of the fire northwest of Chung Ling, Donggou, Zhang Bailu, XIAOLIUGOU, West Osaka Liang, Yan Hua stockade on the south side, the north slope of the Qilian Alluvial fan, a total of 202.56 million.

栗钙土 分布在海拔2200-2800米处的马营沟、小寒鸦沟南侧、火松岭西北侧、东沟、白露掌、大柳沟、西大坂梁、严家花寨子南侧、祁连北坡冲积扇上,共202.56万亩。

During later Paleogene and early Neogene, Jiyang Depression undergone from rifting activity to depression activity. During early Guantao Formation, fault active, highland eroded, slope overlapped and sags filled, and then when later Guantao Formation begin sedimented, paleotopography became plainness, new stratum overlaid all old stratum, intensity of fault activity gradually got in weaken, and developed the sedimentary system of alluvial-fluvial-freshwater shallow lake.


The fan delta, sand beach, sand bars and turbidite fan in the TST of SⅡ and SⅢ sequences are the most favorable exploration targets because of favorable source - reservoir - seal assemblages. Since the high - stand system tract in SⅡ sequence has good source - reservoir assemblage and is covered by the regional seal of SⅢ sequence, the hydrocarbon accumulation in this area is controlled by the local seal rock. The HST of SⅡ sequence becomes the second favorable exploration target zone. Because the scales of the sand bodies of alluvial fan and braided river in low - stand system tract of SⅡ and SⅢ sequences are limited, the formation of a large hydrocarbon accumulation is difficult.


Lake deposit Facies analysis Alluvial fan Underwater fan Delta Reservoir Sedimentary mode Channel deposit


Luanhe Luanxian located, the central axis of the River Ganges alluvial fan areas, sand land accounts for 40% of arable land suitable for cultivation of peanuts, is 100 million mu of Tangshan City, the center of flower production areas, 250,000 hectares of sown area year-round, with a total capacity more than 50,000 tons, is the main producing areas and one in Hebei Province.


Usually the first sub-system for the watershed scientists, experts and hydrologists topography of the object of concern, where the physical environment, energy in the form of negative entropy flow into the system; the second sub-system for the hydraulic engineer with the rivers and landscape Jurists of the object of common concern, at the same time the ancient flood plain and river valley sludge for formation of Jurists and the concerns of sedimentologists; the third sub-systems related to geology and ocean engineering, and the alluvial fan, alluvial plain, delta morphology, internal structure and stratigraphy is characterized by geology and geomorphology of the issues of common concern, where the material flow in the form of energy output into the environment.


Upward-fining channels may occur in a wide range of environments, from submarine canyon to alluvial fan.


The alluvial fan deposition environment was developed along the basin-bounding fault in southern margin of the basin.


Modern still rising, piedmont alluvial fan has been 30-70 meters above the surface of the water of the Yellow River.


It is suggested that they might came from other higher dissected old alluvial fan platforms evolved at the same period or earlier in the western part of the plain.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
