英语人>网络例句>冲出的 相关的搜索结果


与 冲出的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Thus did he defy him, and Achilles raised his spear of Pelian ash.


All their cavalry, with upraised swords, standards and trumpets flung to the breeze, formed in columns by divisions, descended, by a simultaneous movement and like one man, with the precision of a brazen battering-ram which is effecting a breach, the hill of La Belle Alliance, plunged into the terrible depths in which so many men had already fallen, disappeared there in the smoke, then emerging from that shadow, reappeared on the other side of the valley, still compact and in close ranks, mounting at a full trot, through a storm of grape-shot which burst upon them, the terrible muddy slope of the table-land of Mont-Saint-Jean.


Yanjiao Development Zone will be a more open posture, better environment, more efficient services, and promote the construction of major projects for the realization of "scientific development, and rushed out into the spaces, harmony and stability, wealthy and strong city" development mission and "take the lead in two years" to make new contributions to the goal.


The Night was coming on, and the Light began to be dusky, which made it worse on our Side; but the Noise encreasing, we could easily perceive that it was the Howling and Yelling of those hellish Creatures; and on a sudden, we perceiv'd 2 or 3 Troops of Wolves, one on our Left, one behind us, and one on our Front; so that we seem'd to be surrounded with 'em; however, as they did not fall upon us, we kept our Way forward, as fast as we could make Our Horses go, which the Way being very rough, was only a good large Trot; and in this Manner we came in View of the Entrance of a Wood, through which we were to pass, at the farther Side of the Plain; but we were greatly surpriz'd, when coming nearer the Lane, or Pass, we saw a confus'd Number of Wolves standing just at the Entrance.


The results show that, for the elasto-plastic contact of tip-substrate approach and separation process, the material plastic yielding in the atomic level is still governed by the von Mises criterion. For the adhesion of flat-ended wedges, continuum mechanics can be still applied down to a few lattice constants within the contact region, and give reasonable results, apart from the discrepancies near the contact edges. Moreover, adhesion hysteresis occurs during unloading due to the atomic steps, where the unloading curve does not coincide with the loading one. This in turn supports the presumption proposed by Pollock for the adhesion of stepped spheres.

本文首先对针尖—基体模型的弹塑性接触机理进行了深入研究,指出在原子水平上材料的塑性屈服仍由Von Mises准则控制;对平底锥冲头粘着接触的模拟表明,除了在接触区边缘附近有一定差别外,接触力学方法在接触区内几个晶格常数范围内仍能给出令人满意的结果;由于原子台阶效应,加载与卸载曲线不重合,出现粘着滞后,证实了Pollock关于具有纳米阶梯结构的球体粘着滞后现象的推测。

Studies of the Weddell seal in the laboratory have described the physiological mechanisms that allow the seals to cope with the extreme oxygen deprivation that occurs during its longest dives, which can extend 500 meters below the ocean's surface and last for over 70 minutes.


By fully stimulating the obliques which are the ab muscles at the sides, you will build stronger body power you need for faster swing, stronger throw and harder punches.


In one of our Battle Report considered replays, I have actually seen 2-3 Nullifiers brought straight into the enemy resource line, then all exits force fielded so the enemy drones couldn''''t get out, and the Nullifiers pretty much killed a large amount of them easily since they get bonus biological damage.


In one of our Battle Report considered replays, I have actually seen 2-3 Nullifiers brought straight into the enemy resource line, then all exits force fielded so the enemy drones couldn't get out, and the Nullifiers pretty much killed a large amount of them easily since they get bonus biological damage..


They swarmed like bees that sally from some hollow cave and flit in countless throng among the spring flowers, bunched in knots and clusters; even so did the mighty multitude pour from ships and tents to the assembly, and range themselves upon the wide-watered shore, while among them ran Wildfire Rumour, messenger of Jove, urging them ever to the fore.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
