英语人>网络例句>冗余 相关的搜索结果


与 冗余 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

CRC called the Cyclic Redundancy Check, the Chinese name for the cyclic redundancy check.

文章导读:CRC的全称为Cyclic Redundancy Check,中文名称为循环冗余校验。

To avoid redundancy and inconsistencies, I establish a separate data dictionary requires for my project.


The characteristics of different type data are different.


When we cut the dead wood out, all our departments will run more smoothly.


Our company in Australia have been involved in a project for the removal of the concrete decking from a redundant railway bridge that was originally built in 1888 and which spans the River Yarra in Melbourne.


This method adopts data-based optimization algorithm to design the initial prediction operator and update operator at each decomposition scale, the initial prediction operator and update operator are interpolated with zero, and then the redundant prediction operator and redundant update operator are obtained.


In the fourth section of this paper, we take into account one of the main features of the problem: namely, the presence of large symmetries in the solution space. In fact, the degree of symmetry grows exponentially with the cardinality of the set of colors.


Aiming at the multiple loop structures in quality management process network, an improved graph pattern mining approach based on Apriori algorithm is put forward, where a frequent pattern of size k, denoted as G, is joined with another frequent pattern of size k, denoted as G, to form a candidate frequent pattern of size (k+1), if there exists a source vertex s in G and a sink vertex e in G such that the graph derived from G by subtracting node s equals with the graph derived from G G by subtracting node e.


Evolutionally, the amount of Dicer in organism decreases, but its functions become multiple and ex-tremely important.

不同生物体具有不同数量的Dicer,各Dicer既有功能上各自独立的特点,同时又有功能的冗余和交叉,而在进化过程中, Dicer的数量逐渐减少,功能却逐步整合从而表现出多功能的特点。

In this article, the domain structure of LBD genes, classes of LBD genes in model plants of monocotyledon or dicot, expression model, mutation phenotypes from loss of function or gain of function, and its relationship to other gene families were reviewed. Furthermore, the redundancy character of LBD genes, basic candidate function shared by LOB domain, and potential molecular mechanism of LBD genes interacting with other genes also were discussed.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
