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与 内源的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The so-called "adiabatic expansion" means that the light generated by the acoustic signal in the absorption within the region transit time under the same conditions are far greater than the time required for thermal diffusion, negligible effect of the proliferation of light signal the impact of this Conditions, acoustic imaging to short-pulse laser for excitation, ultrasonic signal for the information to the carrier, with high-resolution and high-contrast imaging features.


Discussions are given of the fate of Ms2 during translocation in the hexoploid triticale, the exchange of the names for 4A and 4B chromosomes in common wheat and the possible expoitation of the new locus Ms2 (4BS), and the following speculations are made: In geneic genes of allopolyploid organisms the donor chromosomes tend to be intergenomically translocated to their phylogically and evolutionarily close chromosomes with the same order number and the same arm; it is cofirmed that the 7th International Conference of Wheat Genetics was right to exchange the names between chromosomes 4A and 4B of common wheat in 1988; and as a new genetic marker and a breeding tool for all the chromosome B-carrying species in the tribe of Tritceae, Ms2 (4BS) may have wide application in building and expanding the gene pool of germplasm resources of various species of wheat.

对 Ms2基因在六倍体小黑麦与原太谷核不育小麦远缘杂交中易位时的走向,普通小麦4A与4B染色体的互换更名以及 Ms2(4BS)新位点的开发利用进行了讨论:认为异源多倍体生物核基因的组间易位倾向于从供体染色体向进化亲缘关系较密切,且染色体序数与染色体臂相同的部分同源染色体易位;1988年第7届国际小麦遗传学会对普通小麦4A与4B染色体的互换更名是正确的; Ms2(4BS)作为一个新型的遗传标记,作为小麦族内所有携带B染色体组的物种的育种工具和在拓建各类小麦种质资源的基因库等方面均有广泛的用途。

In this thesis, I summarize and implement the up-to-date language models, such as N-Gram Language Model, Interpolation N-gram Language Model, Context-Free Grammar and Probabilistic Context-Free Grammar, and establish the run-length language model Character-level and word-level run-length language model are established on the base of the concept of limit entropy and discrete stable information source and by using maximum likelihood between character strings.


In the exploration enterprise internationalization's developing process the afterheat excess pressure recycling use which serves under somebody's banner (afterheat electricity generation excess pressure use and so on) the construction energy conservation transformation (wall energy conservation transformation applies LOW-E midheaven glass glass pastes transformations and so on membrane uses plate pile technology and so on) the central air conditioning energy conservation transformation technology (cooling tower energy conservation transformation ice accumulation of cold technology source water source air conditioning technology Leng Meibeng cooled pump transformation and so on) three big prop energy conservation industry to be coquettish in respective domain each collar has won the global prestige and the oral traditions; The Group devotes for a long time to the new building materials the tidal current science and technology research the development passed the BSI IS09001 authentication becomes the world three big glass function membrane core manufacture manufacturer is the present global glass pastes one of membrane service industry largest scale enterprises.

ACER位于美丽的加拿大蒙特利尔市。是全球新型建材知名企业,集团在全世界范围内拥有 6400多名员工,以及数十家实力相当的亲密合作伙伴,为全球70多个国家提供一流服务。在探索企业国际化的发展过程中,旗下的余热余压回收利用建筑节能改造(墙体节能改造,应用LOW-E中空玻璃,玻璃贴膜等改造,采用支盘桩技术等),中央空调节能改造技术(冷却塔节能改造、冰蓄冷技术、地源水源空调技术、冷媒泵冷却泵改造等)三大支柱性节能型产业在各自领域各领风骚,赢得了全球性的声誉和口碑;集团公司长期致力于新型建材、潮流科技的研究、开发,通过了BSI的IS09001认证,成为世界三大玻璃功能膜核心制造厂商,是目前全球玻璃贴膜服务行业最具规模的企业之一。

The change of REE composition between the upper and lower samples from Hongcan well implied the tectonic setting and property of the sediment provenance in Zoige Basin were altered obviously between late-period of Middle Triassic and mid-period or late-period of Late Triassic. This change was probably due to elevation and erosion of the matured continental crust on the east of Zoige Basin, and lots of clastic materials transported into the basin in late-period of Late Triassic.


Through the study of characteristics of reservoir combination in sequence framework, we learned that source rocks mainly develop in transgressive system tract, reservoirs in highstand system tract, and mudstones developed near maximum flooding surface have good sealing ability for sandstone in transgressive system tract and highstand system tract.


In order to elucidate the regulation mechanism of RU5 region to BFV gene expression, BFV3026 provirus DNA was used to construct the plasmids containing different deletion of R region, which were cotransfected with luc report gene locatied behind the IP promoter to BL12 cells, and luciferase activities was assayed, confirming that U5 region could repress the initiation function of LTR as well as IP. The BFV structure genes with different deletion of R region were cloned closely behind to heterogenous CMV promoter, then transfected to 293T cells, RT activity was performed, testifying the R region was required for BFV pol gene expression, and also the function domain was identified within the 100n.t. sequence at the 5′end.

以牛泡沫病毒(Bovine foamy virus, BFV)中国株BFV3026原病毒DNA为材料,构建R区系列缺失质粒,通过对其转染细胞中RT水平及对缺失质粒与luc报告质粒共转染细胞中萤火虫荧光素酶活性的测定,确立U5区对于BFV3026两类启动子LTR和IP均具有负调控作用;同时将带有不同R区的BFV3026结构基因片段克隆于异源启动子CMV之下,通过对其转染细胞293T中RT酶活性的测定,确立R区对于病毒结构基因pol的表达具有一定的调节作用,并将其功能区域初步界定在R区5′端100bp内。

But it can only be used when each of evidence is independent, in practical applications there are many evidences can not satisfy this condition, so how to improve this theory has become to a focus problem; More over, multi source information fusion needs data of multi platform, so how to unify data of multi platform to the same time space so as to fuse is an important factor influencing the performance of fusion.


Self-fluxing Fe-Cr-Ni-B-Si alloy prowders are laser clad on medium carbon steel substrate of dimensions 80×35×10mm〓. The investigation results of this clad layer are: micro-defects, micro-cavity and occluded forin substance, are the micro-cracks and crack resourses in clad layer; crack of coating propagates along the boundary of two kinds of eutectic sutructure; The included angle θ between the cracking direction and laser scanning direction in multitrack overlapping clad is smaller than that in one-track clad because of crack propagating along crystalline growth direction and crystalline direction in overlapping zone being different from it in one-track clad.


In fact, he thinks that SI practice is a process in which the interpreter runs parallel with the speaker and by activating the linguistic and extralinguistic knowledge the interpreter gradually carries out the theory of functional equivalence from micro level to macro level. The purpose of SI is to let the listeners in TT have the similar responses with the listeners in ST so that they can make correct judgment.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
