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与 内源的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Therefore, lake sediments have recorded eutrophication process of Lake Dianchi from oligotrophic lake to eutrophic lake. Especially in the past several decades, both autochthonous and allochthonous organic matter display rapid increasing. Combined with isotopic data, a conclusion is drawn that Lake Dianchi has entered into a hypereutrophic stage.


Lower mercury methylation was expected in these two reservoirs.With the development of reservoir,it is possible that the methylmercury concentrations will increase due to autochthonous and extraneous organic materials,and methylmercury may be released due to thermal stratification.But this was not confirmed.


Change in the concentration of endogenous IAA was measured with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and the distribution of IAA-binding protein in the protoplasts in the cambial region was tested with an immuno-fluorescence technique, being improved by the authors, during the cambial active period in Broussonetia papyrifera L.

构树(Broussonetia papyriferaVent。)形成层活动周期中用酶联免疫吸附法测定了形成层区域的内源IAA浓度的变化,并用自行发展的免疫荧光检测方法测定了由此处生活细胞制得的原生质体中IAA结合蛋白的分布。

It is an ancient species in its own genus and well-adapted to drought environments with fissurate growth and summer dormancy. Methods We selected Dengkou as our research site and collected three stages of P. mongolica (before, during and after fissuration) during August 1-5, 2002 and 2003. We used PV technique and measured several water relations parameters (φ,φ, ROWC, RWC,△(subscript φ),ε etc. in different stages of fissurate growth for comparison and analysis of drought tolerance and its mechanisms. Important findings Different stages of P. mongolica had different abilities and pathways to maintain turgor pressure. Fissurate growth decreased the species' drought tolerance and involved multiple adaptations to drought.

选取内蒙古磴口县境内具有绵刺群落的草原化荒漠区为研究样区,于2002~2003年每年8月1~5日采集未劈裂、正在劈裂和已劈裂植株,运用PV技术对不同劈裂生长状态绵刺的多种水分关系参数φ(下标 s、φ、ROWC、RWC、△、ε进行了测定,从绵刺保持膨压的能力和途径两方面进行了深入探讨;同时结合同一项目研究中绵刺劈裂生长过程中抗氧化酶系统和内源激素方面的研究成果,综合分析并探讨了绵刺劈裂生长的发生机理及其环境适应性。

The resistance to oxidation of synthetical ferulaic acid glycolipide was investigated. The result was shown, apple was dipped in 0.62% ferulaic acid glycolipide, the most inhibitor effectiveness of glucose ferulaic esters and xylose ferulaic ester was shown respectively to be 36.92% after four days and 19.47% after eight days, the fastigium of release ethane was postponed respectively to be six days and four days.

本文测定了合成阿魏酸糖脂的抗氧化性,结果表明用0.62%的阿魏酸糖脂浸泡的苹果,阿魏酸葡糖酯抑制效应在处理后4天最明显,抑制率 36.92%,阿魏酸木糖酯抑制效应在处理后8天最明显,抑制率为 19.47%对于果实的内源乙烯释放,经阿魏酸葡糖酯和阿魏酸木糖酯处理的苹果分别推迟乙烯释放高峰期6天和4天。

Then it retraces and appraises the development of capital structure theory, and indicates that considering the effects of bankruptcy cost, agency cost and nonsymmetrical information, in order to achieve the maximization of market value, the reasonable financing sequence is: raising money inside enterprise, borrow money from outside, transferable bonds and stock.


There are a tens of flash orthographical shadow photograph points which are the main test equipments in the ballistic tange of the flight line.


The observation of morphogenesis of flower buds in this stage shows that this early floral buds have only perianth primordia at most, and no sex organ primordia yet.


Correlation analyses on the contents and ratios of endogenous hormones with selfing fertilities showed that selfing fertility was not determined only by one single hormone level, but partially affected by the joint action or balance of several hormones in Nongken58S original and untransformed regenerant controls under long-day. Our results did not support different already proposed hypotheses on one single hormone action in fertility expression of PSGMS rice.


According to anther abortion characteristics and hormone functions, it was suggested that IAA, GA3 and ZR deficiency might be associated respectively with the inhibition of starch grain accumulation, pollen mother cell and tapetal cell expansion and tetrad formtion, and that abortion and even death of pollen mother cells and tapetal cells in sterile anther might be accelerated by high ABA accumulation.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
