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与 内成的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Therefore, lake sediments have recorded eutrophication process of Lake Dianchi from oligotrophic lake to eutrophic lake. Especially in the past several decades, both autochthonous and allochthonous organic matter display rapid increasing. Combined with isotopic data, a conclusion is drawn that Lake Dianchi has entered into a hypereutrophic stage.


By analyzing the effects of environment factors such as wind and surfactant film on the internal waves SAR images, two conclusions can be drawn. The first is that only under some wind conditions, the signature of internal w aves can be imaged on the SAR.


Articular chondrocytes from the knee joints of the A group were separated respectively to fragments, and then digested by enzymes, both the chondrocytes and the uncomplite digested tiny chondral tissues have been cultured in vitro for about 2 weeks.


A certain good dram-shop keeper of Pantin des Vertus or la Cunette, whose "establishment" had been closed by the riots, became leonine at the sight of his deserted dance-hall, got himself killed to preserve the order represented by a tea-garden.


A certain good dram-shop keeper of Pantin des Vertus or la Cunette, whose "establishment" had been closed by the riots, became leonine at the sight of his deserted dance-hall, and got himself killed to preserve the order represented by a tea-garden.


The iron plate that will be equally big or small with the flat instrument even welds seven short carefully steel needles,and the structure into scissors or pliers welds respectively 2 handles welding seven apertures on the brill used equally big or smalllythe iron plate again andcorrespondence,highhandedly during the use exterminates bacterium first,then inserts the quick scraps of paper of the medicine selecting to the steel nail,with iron piece and the culture dish to neat,pinching the scraps of paper falling inside the culture dish with the hand,namely the tweezers are pressed passablely slightly with the asepsis.


Those biodegradable materials finally form into CO2 and H2O via culture of tricarboxylic acid cycle, which can be excreted from lung, kidney, and skin. Hydroxyacetic acid is a metabolic product of amino acids. Therefore, velocity of bioldegradable materials can be controlled in vivo. The recent contraception focuses on discover a sustained release system of biodegradable materials.


"We are very pleased that the satellite is being shipped to the Baikonur launch base and we are looking forward to traveling to Kazakhstan for the August launch," said Peter Jackson, chief executive officer of AsiaSat."Our collaboration with Space Systems/Loral on this project has been very positive, and we expect to benefit from the company's long heritage of reliability in FSS satellites."

AsiaSat 5卫星基于劳拉太空系统公司的1300平台建造而成,携带了26台C波段和14台Ku波段转发器。C波段可扩展AsiaSat 2卫星的全亚洲覆盖范围,Ku波段覆盖范围包括三个高能光束,其中的两个光束将覆盖东亚和南亚,另外一个波束为在轨可控光束,能够定位并向卫星覆盖范围内的用户提供服务。

The sample particles studied in this project include human red blood cells, osmotically swollen into a micro-sphere, with and without treating with N-ethylmaleimide, and at different temperatures, as well as liposomes with different DOPC/cholesterol ratio (1:1 vs.1:3) For spherical RBCs, smaller deformation were observed in samples at room temperature with NEM treatment and samples at 42 ℃without NEM treatment, compared with the deformation of the control set, namely, RBCs at room temperature without NEM treatment.

这可能是由於42 ℃为红血球细胞骨架Spectrin的型态转换温度,Spectrin由tetramer转换成dimer。推测此温度及药物作用下对Spectrin的型态转换可能造成类似的效果。同时以自行合成DOPC/胆固醇比例(1:1)及(3:1)之微脂粒重覆上述之形变实验,发现两种组合比例微脂粒形变率的差异在误差范围内。

In the paper, the soft of Sim for NSPK has been impoved ,and the coal burning model in the calciner and the pressure model in the NSP system have been build by using the modeling method of recognization. At the same time, The soft has been optimized to make the code and the structure of the soft more reasonable and simple. And through modeling and optimizing the soft, the dynamic simulation is realized preparatorily in the soft and it affords the condition for the real dynamic simulation.

本文修正并完善了Sim for NSPK新型干法窑系统仿真软件,根据已有的相关理论以及经验、生产数据运用辨识建模方法建立了分解炉内煤粉燃烧模型、窑外预分解系统的压力模型,规范了程序编排,并且使仿真软件能够较形象、动态地反映水泥烧成系统各参数随给定控制参数的变化而改变的过程,使仿真软件的功能和易用性大大提升了一步。

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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
