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与 内成的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Iron plays a very important part in the reactions in our cells that produce damaging free radicals, which glom onto cell membranes and DNA, and may translate into aging the cell.

铁在人体细胞内有非常重要的作用,其可以产生破坏性的自由基,这些自由基粘附到细胞膜和 DNA 上,并且可以转译成使人衰老的细胞。

The micelle granules were accumulated in the guttate structure. Both liquid crystal phase and isotropic phase coexisted here. With the volatilization of solvent, the structures can change from disc or hexagon to cube with the variation of environment and interior reciprocity.


From 2004 to 2007, 34 cases were treated with extrapedicular screw fixation in Department of Orthopaedics, Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University. The screw entry point, angle, depth and diameter were measured and defined on the thoracic vertebrae pedicle by CT thin-slice scan in standard prone for all cases before operation. The screw entry point was located at the tip of transverse process. The average inclination angle should be 10°-20° headward and 30°-40° toward neutral line respectively. The screw was inserted and entered into the vertebral body along the external cortex of pedicle. The integrity of cortical bone around screws, the distance to segmental blood vessels and the penetration of cortex were observed after operation to evaluate the accuracy and safety of screw placement.


Methods The imaging features of nine patients who refused amputation and chose to be treated with Chinese herbal medicine were observed. Of the patients, four were confirmed pathologically, two were found to have pulmonary metastasis at diagnosis, one of femur osteo-genic osteosarcoma with osteogenic metastasis was found in the epiphysis of the homolateral tibia, and the other two were proved to have no possibility of other diseases by radiological specialists to demonstrate the imaging diagnosis of osteosarcoma.


Chenayya saw the woman's eyes grow large with anxiety. To dispel her fear, he grinned ingratiatingly at her—it was the exaggerated death-mask grin of a person not used to grovelling—then he looked around to figure out where he had left the table.


We describe a case of NLPHL showing a variant histologic pattern characterized by small and large clusters of lymphocyte predominance cells within nodules defined by follicular dendritic cell meshworks, associated with numerous neutrophils and areas of internodular fibrosis. Focally, the neoplastic cells had lacunar cell-like cytologic features.


Assisted by DNA2.0 and Gene2Oliga software, we optimized the codon usage and secondary structure of RNA and induced enzyme sites Cla I (237 site) and Pst I (475 site) into the gene. In the first step, fragments F1 (237 bp), F2 (238 bp) and F3 (422 bp) were separately synthesized by assembly PCR. In the second step, fragments F1, F2 and F3 were separately digested by Cla I and Pst I, and then ligated into a full length lipA gene.

首先在DNA2.0和Gene2Oliga软件辅助下对lipA基因密码子及RNA二级结构进行优化并引入Cla I(237位)和Pst I(475位)酶切位点;通过组装PCR分别合成lipA基因的各片段F1(237 bp)、F2(238 bp)和F3(422 bp);通过该基因内的Cla I和Pst I限制性酶切位点连接成完整的全长lipA基因。

In this study we compared the frequency of successful PTN blockat the traditional distal site (2 cm above the medial malleolus)with and without NS guidance.

在这项研究中,作者比较了使用和不使用 NS 向导的情况下,在传统的远中心端(内踝2cm )成实施 PTN 阻滞的频率。

A Contrast-enhanced CT scan of the upper abdomen shows a saclike mass of dilated jejunal loops between the pancreatic head and stomach. The descending mesocolon and stomach are displaced laterally. The dilated inferior mesenteric vein is located at the anterior border of the encapsulated loops.

a 上腹部增强CT扫描显示胰头和胃之间见囊状成簇扩张的空肠,降结肠系膜和胃被推移到侧方,扩张的肠系膜下静脉是疝囊内肠襻的前界。

A major section of Nar Shaddaa became a refuge for Neimoidians in hiding.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
