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与 内成的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

His ability to pull up from anywhere within 18 feet has made Bryant one of the most versatile offensive players in NBA history.


Based on the measured refractive index distribution curve, according as the theoretical model of light transmission in the GRIN medium, using quadrivalent Runger-Kutta method to carry out the light tracking, by this means the mainly imaging character index of themicro-lens such as foci, longitudinal and transverse spherical aberrations aberration etc is calculated.i.

第五章 从测量所得折射率分布曲线出发,根据梯度介质球内光线传输的理论模型,用四阶runger-kutta方法进行光线追迹,计算了此种梯度球的纵横向球差等光学特性,给出所制作梯度折射率微球透镜成像性能的评价。

Progress in modern radio astronomy led to the discovery of space masers in the microwave range, and it became a powerful tool for studies of interstellar star-forming molecular clouds.


Reed Flute Cave's biggest features are: milk stone and rock inside the tunnel wall has a very bright beautiful colors, red, such as coral, green as jade, yellow, such as amber, white, such as suet, the whole Zhu Yu Dong Fu elephant is to use a variety of precious stones and color Decorative satin made, really beautiful flowers, colorful.


My room, on the other hand, was as sanitary as a morgue. The floorand window were spotless, the mattresses were aired each week, allpencils stood in the pencil holders, and even the curtains were washedonce a month. My room-mate was a cleanliness freak. None of theothers in the dorm believed me when I told them about the curtains.


Snape is a very sadistic teacher, loosely based on a teacher I myself had, I have to say.


Here, we will look at the Treaty of Shimonoseki of 1895 and the actions of the governors-general of Taiwan during the 50 years of Japanese rule.


It has a unique design: its paired back wheels splay outward when the bike is at rest, and are drawn inward when the bike is in motion, to work more like a single wheel.


The implant is created by placing the stem cells into an FDA-approed scaffold that mimics the conditions needed to turn stem cells into fat cells.


In this paper, Stencil Field Sequential Color (Stencil-FSC) is proposed, and we first utilize a "multi-color field" instead of a conventional "signal-color field" in the color sequence display. The Stencil-FSC method not only can suppress CBU effectively but also can be realized on LCDs by present LC techniques, such as OCB mode LC. Moreover, the method can achieve the a novel green display with ultra-low power consumption (5 Watt for 32 LCD-TV) and high contrast ratio (~6500:1). Consequently, the concept and the results of the paper may complete a next generation color filter less display with high image quality and ultra-low power consumption.

此篇论文中提出利用多色影像於单一色场的新色序法概念,此想法不但跳脱以往只使用单色场影像之基本架构,并可大幅改善色分离现象,使场色序液晶显示器之影像画质可以被观赏者接受,且操作频率为现行液晶可达到的反应时间内(40 Hz/field);另外,此技术亦可同时达成低功率消耗(5 Watt for 32 LCD-TV)及高动态对比度(~6, 500:1)之新型绿色节能高画质显示技术,因而此论文的构想与成果将有可能使未来液晶电视转成免彩色滤光片且具高画质、低耗能之显示架构。

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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
