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与 内成的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

China's urbanization rate will increase by nearly 1 percent annually during the coming 15 to 20 years, which means that China will urbanize 300 million rural people during the period, Xu said.


Functional MRI is based on the increase in blood flow to the local vasculature that accompanies neural activity in the brain.


Founded in 1828, Bureau Veritas is recognized and accredited by the largest national and international bodies.


The reaction takes place as soon as 3a is dissolved in solution. With the presence of a tethering terminal vinyl group bound to the vinylidene ligand, the [2+2] cycloaddition of two C=C double bonds readily occurred.


Latest research indicates that,if eating a great deal of undone eggs for a long time,antibiotin protein in undone egg white can integrate with biotin internal the body as a sort of steady compound,making biotin can't be absorbed by intestinal wall and leading to energy ennui,muscle ache,hair falling off,skin inflamation,appetite letdown,weight droping and so on.When eggs pass through the intestinal tract,it's easy to zymolysis and transformation,sometimes it may appear nitroso compound,which has the function of causing cancer.


The human and mouse Period1 genes: five wellconserved Eboxes additively contribute to the enhancement of mPer1 transcription [J].

研究发现成熟的67 kD蛋白是由2个37 kD的前体蛋白聚和而成[10],可位于细胞表面[11]、胞浆[12]和胞核内[13]。

Which were found in succession in the Yili Late Paleozoic volcanic rock province in the north section of West Tianshan Mountains ,are considered as epithermal mineralizing type,and furtherly divided into adular sericite sub type and silicated rock sub type.


Silk tea pillows based on "touch-beauty" and "smelling aizoon" state of health of Chinese medicine theory, the use of 21st century digital weaving techniques and modern environmental protection after the treatment process for the production of high-grade silk pillowcases; inner core protective layer from imports of non-woven fabric made of filler tea Chinese town - Zhejiangìhill country of origin of the treasures Buddha Longjing green tea as the main raw materials, traditional crafts to modern technology, the use of a unique refined by processing methods.silk pillow is beautifully elegant tea and tea-ching overflow, both health care products, they are cultural artefacts, distinguished quality, unique effects, so that a fresh and clean with you, the more extravagant,¨access to health beauty sleep .


In seedling of wheat, implementing the test of Nonpreference by means of releasing alate aphids in order to make them freely select location, the results indicate that most of the wheat varieties have not distinct difference each other, except that Hongmanghong and 885479-2 have distinct difference with others.


Glucose an aldohexose, exists as D and L forms. The furthest asymmetric carbon from the aldehyde group is C-5. D-glucose is called D because the configuration of the atoms bonded to C-5 is the same as for D-gly- ceraldehyde. Similarly D-fructose﹙a ketohexose﹚ is designated D because the configuration


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
