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与 内成的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In this method, an interim variable is defined by combining one variable of each subsystem. The interim variable is used to construct the sliding-mode function and the total control law can be derived to guarantee the equilibrium point is reachable in finite time. Using LaSalle invariance theorem, it can be proved further that the equilibrium field only includes one equilibrium point and the equilibrium point is asymptotically stable.


The coating material is prepared with lepidolite 35-55 wt%, potassium feldspar 5-15 wt%, talcum powder 10-20 wt%, soft clay 15-25 wt%, active alumina powder 3-7 wt%, and quartz powder 5-10 wt%, and through mixing into slurry after being added with sodium carboxymethyl cellulose 0.3-1.0 wt%, water glass solution 3-7 wt% and water 30-40 wt%, painting or spraying onto the lining of furnace, drying and sintering at 1200-1300 for 4-12 hr.

本涂层材料在制备时外加羧甲基纤维素钠 0.3~1.0%,水玻璃溶液 3~7%,水 30~40%,将上述混合物经搅拌成均匀的浆体,涂抹或喷涂在炉门内衬材料上,干燥后经1200℃~1300℃下4~12小时的烧成即可制得。

Cholesterol gallstones formed in C57L mice and fatty livers developed in AKR mice. Conclusions Biliary cholesterol hypersecretion is the key pathophysiological defect of gallstone formation, lith genes have effects on biliary cholesterol hypersecretion and susceptibility to cholesterol gallstone formation in C57L mice. Lithogenic bile is formed at the canalicular membrane and precedes the development of cholesterol gallstones. It is most likely that cholesterol and bile acid hyposecretion make the AKR strain susceptible to the development of fatty livers and resistant to gallstone formation.


The anastomosing occurred between the pleural superficial and the subpleural vascular networks on the capillary level or the precapillary level. The honeycomb vascular networks were also various in size and form at a low magnification. The venule connected with the pulmonary capillary networks directly at a high magnification. The single capillary networks were found in the alveolar septa. The longitudinal crests and dense round imprints of endothelial nuclei and the clear circular constrictions were found on the surface of the larger vessel in the lung parenchyma. The round imprints of endothelial nuclei also occurred on the subpleural venule and capillary.


The trepang 复水 compared to becomes the trend of escalation inthe first 5 minutes inside curves, gradually decreases along with thetime increase trepang soakage, the curve becomes the steady droptendency.


Zymogen Any of a class of protein s that are secreted by cells and are inactive precursors of enzymes.


Zymogen Any of a class of proteins that are secreted by cells and are inactive precursor s of enzymes.


Zymogen Any of a class of proteins that are secreted by cells and are inactive precursors of enzymes.


Results: B-type ultra-sonic graph showed abnormal blood vessels in hepatic hila. CT or DSA demonstrated intra- and extra-hepatic abnormal ectatic arteries, intrahepatic telangiectasia, cirrhosis and hepatic enlargement.


Methods: The distal 1/3 of eighty humeri was scanned by 16 layer spiral CT. The morphologic features of the intramedullary bony prominence above the olecranon fossa were observed and described on coronal, sagittal and transverse section after three-dimensional reconstruction. Then the distal 1/3 of twenty humeri was splitted vertically along the coronal midline for observing the intramedullary bony crista.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
