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The first chapter, main instead " duo-ring " condition of " every maximal left ideal is GW-ideal " condition,study strongly regularities of GP-V-ring on this condition.lt is shown that (1) R is strongly regular iff R is left GP-V-ring whose maximal left ideals are GW-ideal.(2)R is strongly regular iff R is left GP-V-ring whose maximal right ideals are GW-ideal. The second chapter, generalize some results of GP-V-ring to GP-V-ring, discuss regularity of GP-V-ring.It is shown that (1) R is left self-injective regular with non-zero socle iff R is left GP-V -ring with Soc = Soc and R contains an injective maximal left ideal.(2)R is regular ring and every maximal essential left ideal is ideal iff R is left GP-injective left GP-V -ring and every maximal essential left ideal is ideal.


Barrel is the key part of artillery. In shot process, propellent gas of high pressure and high temperature flows in the tube at a high rate of speed, which brings an upheaval to the temperature field of the composite barrel. As to the composite barrel with metal inner, its poor thermal conductivity is more likely to cause uneven temperature distribution and bigger temperature gradient, to produce improper deformation and to make the work temperature of metal inner rise, all of which will affect the life span of barrel.


The image quality of the system achieves the diffractive limit within the temperature range of-80—200℃.


The results showed that at the anaerobic phase, the PHB concentration in the cell and orthophosphate concentration of the anaerobic effluent obviously increased, the poly-P concentration in the cell decreased, and the cucci and bacilli with a size of 1.0~1.5 μm were dominant and formed grapy cellular cluster. At the anoxic phase, the PHB concentration and orthophosphate concentration decreased significantly, the amount of poly-P increased, and the elliptical cucci of 0.5~1 μm and spheral bacilli of 1.0~1.5 μm were dominant. At the aerobic phase, the PHB and orthophosphate concentration almost reduced to zero, the poly-P increased significantly, cucci appeared single or in pair, and the contour of sphere was blur and almost disappeared.

试验结果表明,在厌氧阶段,微生物细胞内PHB的量大幅提高,上清液中磷酸盐的含量上升,聚磷酸盐含量明显下降,粒径为1~1.5 μm、呈球状和棒状的菌群构成的葡萄状细胞簇占居优势;在缺氧阶段,微生物细胞内PHB的量下降,上清液中磷酸盐含量下降,聚磷酸盐含量上升,粒径为0.5~1 μm的椭球菌与1.0~1.5 μm的球杆菌占优势;在好氧阶段,微生物细胞内PHB的量较低或接近零,上清液中磷酸盐的含量接近零,聚磷酸盐含量明显上升,此时粒径1.0~1.5 μm的球菌以单个或成对出现,球菌不再饱满,呈现接近消失的状态。

According to the variation in the components of intermediateacid igneous rocks coming from the lower crust, it is possible to restrain the depth of the source area and the minimum thickness of the crust, and thus to provide important information for the study of the deep process of the continental intraplate mineralizationGlobally, many world level porphyry copper deposits and metallogenic systems formed by hypabyssal hot liquid have their close relationship with the synchronous adakite in spacetime and genesis; domestically, the adakitelike rocks have been identified to be related to the metallogenesis in the main metallogenic areas in ChinaThe recognition of adakitelike rocks having no relationship with the process of subduction makes it possible to construct a metallogenic model of continental intraplate porphyry metal deposits by combining other geological evidences, and this model is totally different from the metallogenic model of porphyry copper deposits with Bsubduction setting constructed by Sillitoe (1972)The existence of adakitelike rocks may be the necessary condition but not the sufficient one for forming the largescale porphyry deposits and the hypabyssal hotliquid deposits, whose metallogenic elements mainly came from the mantleThe metallogenic potential of adakitelike rocks is achieved by the entering of the mantle material, and the metallogenic specialization of adakitelike rocks is decided by the distribution characteristics of the metallogenic elements in the upper mantleAn important reason for the adakitelike magma related to subduction being advantageous to mineralization is that there were abundant high pressure and high temperature liquid coming from the subducted platepieces and the magma of high fO2 coming from the melting of subducted platepiecesHowever, for those adakitelike rocks, whose occurrence has continental plate background but does not relate to the subduction, their metallogenic mechanism is not clear yetBased on the concept of modern mineral exploration and combined with the analysis of integrated geological information, we may better realize the practical prospecting significance of the adakitelike rocks


Finally, we also examined the diferentiation efect of Ad-GFP on myoblasts.3.Study of the transfection of Ad-GFP to myoblasts which Transplanted in the intrarectal of the immune defect rat.The immune defect rats Were randomized in to 2 groups( 10 in each group):The experimental group transplanted with myoblasts transfected by Ad-GFP; the control group injected PBS.


Cage shaped rotor includes following parts: columnar rotor core made from soft magnetic material, multiple bar conductors made from copper inserted into rotor core along up and down direction, short circuit rings made from copper installed on upper and lower ends of rotor core in order to realize electrical connection among each bar conductor. Preparation method includes steps: in step for preparing short circuit ring assemblies, bar conductors are installed between short circuit rings in upper part and lower part to keep electrical connection between short circuit rings in upper part and lower part; in step for forming columnar rotor core, pressurization molding soft magnetic material is carried out when short circuit rings module is in die so as to form rotor core, where bar conductors are inside and short circuit rings are in upper and lower ends.


At the present time, their size has arrived at nanometer scale, and it approximately takes several picoseconds, or even shorter time, for free carriers to transport during such small distances. Therefore, research of carrier dynamics in silicon on shorter and shorter time scale is urgently developed. Processes on such short time scale are difficultly measured by traditional electronic method, so ultrafast spectroscopy method is the only choice of carrying out such experiments. Additionally, application of photoelectric detectors is severely influenced by laser.


In recent years, size of silicon devices has been decreasing. At the present time, their size has arrived at nanometer scale, and it approximately takes several picoseconds, or even shorter time, for free carriers to transport during such small distances. Therefore, research of carrier dynamics in silicon on shorter and shorter time scale is urgently developed. Processes on such short time scale are difficultly measured by traditional electronic method, so ultrafast spectroscopy method is the only choice of carrying out such experiments. Additionally, application of photoelectric detectors is severely influenced by laser.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
