英语人>网络例句>内孢子 相关的搜索结果


与 内孢子 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If inhaled, anthrax spores can germinate and lead to infection within one to 60 days.


If inhale d, anthrax spores can germinate and lead to infection within one to 60 days.


If inhaled, anthrax spore s can germinate and lead to infection within one to 60 days.


The results showed that the rainfall and the relative humidity in the three days before investigation and the number of apothecium in investigation day were the key factors affecting the number of the spores in the air.


The result of stepwise regression analysis showed the amount of rainfall and the relative humidity in the three days before investigation and the number of apothecium in the investigation day were the key factors affecting the number of the spores in the air.


The head of the child seat in fungi contain ascus, ascus containing a spore.


Both types of asexual spores may be produced on and within the substrate.


Rust occurred early in the emergence of leaves and stalks of light yellow spots, with the development of disease, lesion increase in the number of leaves, stems broken from the inside surface emitting yellow, orange, brown, chestnut brown or pink spores thick pile .


The Cork was consisted of five or six layer long cells. The secondary phloem occupied 46% of the diameter of root, and the parenchymas cell was abundant of the inclusions. The secondary xylem consisted of vessel, xylary radial ,and a little of xylary parenchyma cells. Some segment of hypha, swelled hypha, pelotons and conidiophore were colonied in cork and secondary phloem.

周皮由木栓层,木栓形成层和栓内层组成,其中木栓层由5~6 列长形细胞组成;维管组织中次生韧皮部所占根径的比例达46%,其薄壁细胞中内含物较丰富,次生木质部中分布有导管和木射线及少量木薄壁组织;在格木木栓层和次生韧皮部中分布有菌丝片段、膨大的菌丝和菌丝团及分生孢子。

In Peiai 64S, the microtubules showed abnormal patterns of distribution from pre_meiotic interphase to metaphase Ⅰ. For example the broad band of perinuclear microtubules seen at diakinesis in IR36 was much disorganized and loosened in Peiai 64S.

(1)在偶线期具极性分布的微管分布不存在;(2 )在小孢子母细胞减数分裂期间的细胞内出现许多特别粗的微管束;(3)在终变期围绕核的微管宽带结构松散及内含微管密度低。

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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
