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与 内孢子 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Microscopically, every alveolus is filled with granular pink exudate in this case of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia.


Methods Germ tube test, chlamydospore test, CHROMagar Candida and API20 kit system were applied to separate non-Candida albicans strains from Candida albicans. Then PCR was used to amplify the internal transcribed spacer region of ribosomal DNA from 4 species of common Pathogenic non-Candida albicans (Candida glabrata, Candida parapsilosis, Candida krusei and Candida tropicalis), and the products were digested with the two restriction endonucleases (Msp Ⅰ and Hae Ⅲ) respectively. Results The four isolates consisted of 15 strains of Candida glabrata (7.50%), 7 strains of Candida parapsilosis (3.50%), 5 strains of Candida krusei (2.50%), 2 strains of Candida tropicalis (1.00%).


Some doctors have argued that indoor air is a cause of illnesses such as asthma, containing as it does household chemicals, spores from moulds, the faeces of house-dust mites and other unappetizing particles.


Roots of five species of Calanthe and two species of Phaius from north, midland and south of Taiwan were collected for the isolation of orchid mycorrhizal fungi. Total for 104 isolates of fungi were isolated. They are identified respectively by the traditional method or DNA sequence. Results showed thatTrichoderma and Mucor were most often isolated fungi. The DNA sequence results showed that only Xylaris was most common fungus.


Therefore,foliar spraying ofboron was the main measure during flowering period so as to stimulate thegermination and growth of pollen tube,regulate endogenous hormone balance ofovary and promote gynospore formation and,during the phase of young embryodevelopment,spraying of relevant plant growth regulators and potassiumsupplement were essential to stimulating the increasing of endogenous GA1/3 andiPAs,raising the key nutritious substance content in ovary and promoting youngembryo development.


The male sterility resulted from nucleus-cytoplasmic interaction (nuclear genome of common wheat--cytoplasmic genome of D〓-type cytoplasm donor), D〓-type CMS was sporophytic sterility pattern.


The results showed that the conidia of the RNAi transformant accumulated more trehalose, lost viability more slowly during prolonged storage and showed reduced heat shock sensitivity than the wild type, and the overexpression transformant has reverse results. These results indicate that neutral trehalase in M.anisopliae control trehalose concentration via degradation of trehalose, and indirectly influnce the viability of conidia during prolonged storage and the resistance to heat stress.


Additionally, the growth of the pathogen was obviously affected by cultural media. The morphological characters such as colony color and diameter, and production of fruit body of the fungus growing on PDA, 10% V8, apple leaves dextrose agar and apple leaves extraction dextrose agar media were different. The fungus formed colonies of about 8mm in diameter and did not produce fruit bodies and aerial hyphae in 1 month incubation on PDA. However it formed the similar size colonies as on PDA and produced fruit bodies and aerial hyphae on 10% V8 and LDA media in the same incubation period. Very small colonies (2mm in diameter) and fruit bodies were found on LEDA media in the same incubation condition. These results indicated that successful isolation of M. coronaria from apple leaves depended on suitable isolation method and cultural media as well as fresh samples.

不同培养基上菌落形态、大小和产孢情况差异也很大,培养1个月(25℃)后PDA上菌落黑褐色隆起,表面蚯蚓粪状,无气生菌丝,无子实体和基内菌丝;10% V8培养基上菌落中央隆起,黑褐色,表面生少量气生菌丝,边缘放射状,基内菌丝深褐色,有子实体;苹果叶片葡萄糖琼脂培养基上菌落平坦,黄褐色,表面生茂密的金黄色气生菌丝,基内菌丝深褐色,有子实体;苹果叶片煎汁葡萄糖琼脂培养基上菌落有明显的不规则隆起,黄褐色至黑褐色,表面生少许气生菌丝,菌落生长缓慢,无基内菌丝,分生孢子盘菌落表面生,菌落直径仅2mm左右,而在其他培养基上的菌落直径可达6-8mm,说明培养基质、分离方法均对苹果盘二孢的分离培养和生长发育有明显的影响。

After division in conidial cell, the nuclei entered into germ tube and divided repeatedly, and therefore the number of nuclei in germ tube variably multiplied. The mitosis of F. graminearum has four phases.


In the present study a solution culture method was developed to test the effects of mycorrhiza formation on organic acids.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
