英语人>网络例句>内原的 相关的搜索结果


与 内原的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In this paper, we extend the "static model" in Milevsky and Salisbury (2006) by considering a more realistic situation that VA could lapse during the guaranteed period if the annuitant dies earlier. And if this happens, remaining annuity payments discontinue, whereas a death benefit will be offered to maintain the minimum withdrawal guarantee.

本文的研究基础建立在Milevsky and Salisbury (2006)的静态模型上,并且加以考虑变额年金被保险人在保证期间内死亡的情况;若变额年金被保险人於保证期间内死亡,其死亡给付必须能够维持原GMWB承诺之权益。

Lysogeny: Type of life cycle that takes place in a bacteriophage after it infects certain types of bacteria.


Lysogeny: type of life cycle that takes place in a bacteriophage after it infects certain type s of bacteria.


Lysogeny: Type of life cycle that takes place in a bacteriophage after it in fects certa in types of bacteria.


Cortical neurons had well-preserved morphological state and normal electrophysiological properties after dura mater was treated by the enzyme.


The results indicated that the treatment of irradiation restrained the growth and differentiation of protocorm, especially to roots.The LD50 is 67.23Gy, because the protocorm is a integrate embryoids and higher tolerance was found. Ploidy analysis showed that most of aberrant seedlings go with the change of DNA and they were not euploid. When the plants trearted by irradiation, some of aberrant seedlings appeared stem forfication, and leaves appeared chlorophyll-deficient or green-white.,probably due to some genes' expression or closing.


To investigate the clinical significance of zinc protoporphyrin in erythrocyte of children with infectious diseases values, erythrocyte's zinc protoporphyrin in children with infectious diseases was studied.

红细胞内锌原卟啉是反映红细胞内铁的敏感指标,常用于缺铁性贫血的诊断[1] 。

Up to now however, there has been no evidence that PET leads to improved management of patients in routine clinical practice. We did a randomised controlled trial in patients with suspected non-small-cell lung cancer, who were scheduled for surgery after conventional workup, to test whether PET with 18FDG reduces number of futile thoracotomies.

首先,在原发瘤的评估方面,其作用目前仅限于对单发肺内结节的良恶性鉴别,并且阳性预测值相对较低,在肿瘤可切除性评估方面的作用远逊于CT;更何况肺内良性肿瘤也需要手术切除,而那些不需要手术的病灶,比如活动性结核瘤及炎性肿物,PET 的假阳性率又太高。

Anti-collagen IV and anti-laminin antibodies of choroid plexuses and the walls of lateral ventricles were labeled in 10 prematures who died of IVH and in 10 prematures who died of non-IVH.


It proposes that while multinational enterprises make use of the location advantage of the host country to internalise arm's length transaction costs, local firms have to 'endogenise' the production factors brought in by the MNEs so as to achieve a self-evolved and sustainable upgrading of their capabilities.


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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
