英语人>网络例句>具对生叶 相关的搜索结果


与 具对生叶 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Leaves opposite, petiolate; leaf blade margin entire or dentate.


Leaves opposite; petiole 4-7 mm; leaf blade elliptic to obovate, 3-8 × 1-4 cm, leathery, pubescent when young but glabrescent and shiny with age, abaxially gray tomentose, secondary veins 1 on each side of midvein, originating near leaf blade base, and meeting at apex, tertiary veins 4-6 on each side of midvein and connecting midvein to secondary veins, reticulate veins obvious, intramarginal veins 3-4 mm from margin, base broadly cuneate, apex rounded to obtuse and often slightly emarginate or sometimes slightly apiculate.

叶对生 叶柄4-7毫米;叶片椭圆形到倒卵形, 3-8 * 1-4 厘米,革质,幼时具短柔毛但老时脱落无毛和发亮的,背面灰色被绒毛,次脉在中脉两边各1,近叶片基部发出,在先端会集,第三脉在中脉两边各4-6和连结中脉和次脉,网脉明显,近边缘内脉距边缘3-4毫米,基部宽楔形,先端圆形到钝和通常稍微凹或有时稍具细尖。

Leaves opposite. Cymes terminal, 3- to many flowered, bracteate; peduncle long or short; bracteoles small or large.

叶对生 聚伞花序顶生,3-对多花的,具苞片;花序梗长或短;小苞片小或者大。

Leaves usually few, along stem, opposite, seldom alternate, equal to subequal in a pair; leaf blade surfaces sericeous to hirsute or woolly, often glabrescent, base attenuate to rounded.


Leaves simple, alternate, opposite, or verticillate, not stipulate, or sometimes with stipular glands at base of petiole, petiolate or sessile, pinnately veined, margin serrate to nearly entire, teeth often glandular-mucronate.


Stems ascending. Leaves alternate or opposite; stipules persistent, lateral, free; leaf blade ovate, 3-veined or triplinerved, margin serrate; cystoliths punctate.

茎上升 叶互生或对生;托叶宿存,横向,离生;叶片卵形,3脉或,边缘有锯齿;钟乳体具点。

Leaves alternate, opposite, or verticillate, base often spurred, margin normally entire 4-8-dentate in Sedum rosthornianum and remotely dentate in S.

轮生的叶互生,对生,或,基部通常距,通常全缘的边缘具牙齿在Sedum rosthornianum 和S。

Leaves opposite, usually in many pairs; stipules small; petioles short, connate at base, forming a short sheath; leaf blade elliptic, ovate-elliptic, or elliptic-lanceolate, margin serrate, with 1 gland at serrate tip.


Leaves alternate or opposite, sometimes closely clustered at end of branchlets or with flowers on dwarf shoots.


Leaves opposite or alternate, rarely whorled, simple, 3-foliolate, or odd-pinnate; petiole usually articulated.


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