英语人>网络例句>具对生叶 相关的搜索结果


与 具对生叶 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Stem leaves in whorls of 4, shorter petiolate; leaf blade oblong, sometimes ovate, to 3 X 1.4(--2) cm, pinnatisect; segments ca. 10 pairs, lanceolate, pinnatipartite, dentate, teeth callose.

在4轮生,短叶柄里的茎生叶;叶片长圆形,有时卵形,对3 X 1.4(-2)厘米,羽状全裂;约的裂片10 对,披针形,羽状深裂,具牙齿,齿callose。

Stem leaves lanceolate or linear-lanceolate; inflorescence a terminal cyme appearing leaf-opposed; seeds tuberculate.

茎生叶披针形披针形或线形;花序出现的一顶生聚伞花序对生;种子具瘤。 3 M 。 stricta 粟米草

Leaves alternate or opposite; stipules deciduous, intrapetiolar, free or rarely connate at base; leaf blade 3-veined, margin dentate, rarely 2- or 3-lobed; cystoliths punctiform.


Leaves simple, alternate, opposite, or whorled, petiolate or sessile, papery or leathery, with pinnate veins, margin entire, leaves rarely reduced and scalelike; stipules absent, sometimes spiniform or scalelike appendages present.


Leaves alternate, exstipulate, petiolate, odd-pinnate, rarely 1-foliolate; leaflets often many paired, subopposite or alternate.


Stem leaves petiolate, petioles ca. 10 cm; sheaths broadly ovate, 2.5–4 cm, purple-red adaxially, densely white-setose abaxially; blades triangular-oblong, 10–15 × 5–7 cm, 3-pinnate; pinnae 5–7 pairs, only basal pinnae short-petiolulate; ultimate segments obovate or oblanceolate, 3–5 × 2–3 mm, setose along nerves abaxially, entire or 2–3 toothed, cuspidate at apex.

茎生叶具叶柄,叶柄约厘米;鞘宽卵形,正面2.5 -4厘米,紫红色,密被白色具刚毛;叶片三角形的长圆形, 10-15 * 5-7 厘米,3回羽状;羽片5-7 对,只是基本的羽片短的小叶柄;末回裂片倒卵形或倒披针形, 3-5 * 2-3 毫米,具刚毛沿着叶脉背面,全缘或齿状,骤尖在先端。

Leaves basal, opposite; petiole 5-10 X 4-10 mm; leaf blade ovate to orbicular-ovate, 5-8 X 4-7 cm, papery, densely appressed puberulent and appressed pilose (hairs to 1 mm and to 3 mm), eglandular, base broadly cuneate, margin subentire to repand-crenate, apex acute to rounded; lateral veins ca.

叶基生,对生;叶柄5-10 X 4-10毫米;卵形叶片卵形到圆形, 5-8 X 4-7厘米,纸质,浓密贴伏被微柔毛和贴伏的具柔毛的(对1毫米和对3毫米的毛),无腺体,基部宽楔形,侧脉约4在中脉每边各,不明显。

Leaves opposite, mostly simple and palmately lobed, sometimes leaves pinnately veined and entire or pinnately (7-)11-21-foliolate, usually estipulate.


Leaves opposite, palmately (1-)3-8-foliolate; leaflets petiolulate, margin entire, dentate, serrate, or incised.


Leaves alternate or opposite to whorled, usually clustered at apices of branches; petiole very short to absent; leaf blade linear or linear-oblanceolate, 0.8-1 × 0.15-0.25 cm, leathery or subleathery, abaxially densely gray sericeous when young, adaxially sericeous or glabrous, base cuneate, margin strongly revolute, apex apiculate; veins obscure.

叶互生或对生到轮生,通常在枝先端簇生;叶柄非常短到无;叶片线形的或线形倒披针形, 0.8-1 * 0.15-0.25 厘米,革质或近革质,背面密被灰色幼时,正面无毛的被绢毛或无毛,基部楔形,强烈外卷的边缘,先端具细尖;脉不明显。

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