英语人>网络例句>具对生叶 相关的搜索结果


与 具对生叶 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Leaves opposite to subopposite, rarely alternate, entire, crenate, or serrate, estipulate.


Leaves opposite or rarely alternate, subequal in size; stipules lanceolate, 7-10 mm; petiole 1.5-6(-10) cm, densely pubescent; leaf blade dark green or black when dry, oblate to 5-angled or oblate to orbicular-ovate, often ovate in upper stems, 8-12(-18)× 7-14(-22) cm, papery, secondary veins 2 pairs along midvein, abaxial surface densely pubescent along veins and veinlets, adaxial surface roughish, densely strigose, base truncate, subcordate, or broadly cuneate, margin coarsely 8-12-dentate, teeth gradually larger distally, often biserrate apically, apex 3-cusped or lobed, tip serrulate. Glomerules on axillary spikelike flowering branches, male branches often branched, 8-17 cm; female spikes distal, unbranched or branched, 5.5-24 cm.

叶对生或很少互生,大小近等;托叶披针形,7-10毫米;叶柄1.5-6(-10)厘米,密被短柔毛;叶片深绿色或黑色的干燥时,扁球形到具5个角或扁球形的到圆形卵形的,通常在上面茎内卵形的, 8-12(-18)* 7-14(-22)厘米,纸质,次脉2 对沿中脉,背面密被短柔毛的沿脉和细脉,正面微糙,密被糙伏毛,基部截形,近心形,或宽楔形,团伞花序在腋生的穗状的花枝,雄性分枝通常分枝,8-17厘米的;雌性穗状花序上部,不分枝或分枝,-24 厘米。

Leaves cauline, lateral and pseudoterminal, alternate, opposite, or whorled, sessile or shortly petiolate, sometimes cirrose at apex.


Leaves simple, entire or rarely gland-fringed, opposite or sometimes whorled, nearly always estipulate.


Leaves alternate or rarely opposite, odd-pinnate, 3-foliolate (or rarely 1-foliolate), stipulate or exstipulate.


Leaves alternate, rarely opposite, petiolate or subsessile; leaf blade flattened, slightly succulent, linear, lanceolate, oblong, ovate, triangular, rhombic, or hastate, margin serrate, rarely entire.


Stem leaves opposite, petiolate; leaf blade obovate-spatulate to subrounded, 1-2.5 cm including petiole, margin crenate to subentire.


Leaves simple, rarely trifoliolate, opposite, sessile or shortly petiolate, no more than 5 mm; blade ovate to oblong-ovate, 11-14(-16.5)× 5.5-7(-8) cm, coriaceous, glabrous, adaxially lustrous green, abaxially pale green, main vein impressed adaxially and prominent abaxially, lateral veins 5-9(-11) pairs, slightly discernible adaxially and conspicuous abaxially, base subcordate, rarely rounded, margin glandular crenate or -serrate, apex apiculate, cusp 5-10(-15) mm.

单叶,很少具三小叶,对生,无梗或短具叶柄,顶多5毫米;叶片卵形到长圆状卵形, 11-14(-16.5)* 5.5-7(-8)厘米,革质的,无毛,正面的是有光泽的绿色,背面的淡绿色,主脉正面凹陷和突出背面,侧脉5–9(–11)对,正面稍可见,背面明显,基部近心形,很少圆形,边缘腺状圆齿或腺锯齿,先端具细尖,尖突5–10(–15)毫米。

Leaves few to many, basal or along stem and opposite, seldom in whorls of 3 or alternate, unequal to equal in a pair; leaf blade puberulent to villous or velutinous, rarely glabrous, base cuneate to cordate, rarely attenuate.


Leaves opposite, rarely whorled, often petiolate, axils sometimes with small stipulelike leaves.


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