英语人>网络例句>具对生叶 相关的搜索结果


与 具对生叶 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The results offer the condition that these plants of Ajuga could be distinguished by size and ornamentation of exhymenine.


Basal leaves decussate, middle stem leaves opposite, distal stem leaves alternate; inflorescence paniculiform with cymose branches

交互对生的基生叶,中间茎生叶对生,互生的上部茎生叶;花序圆锥花序状的具聚伞状的分枝 1b var。

Leaves simple, commonly opposite and decussate with one of a pair slightly smaller than other, rarely verticillate or alternate by abortion of one of a pair, usually 1-4(or 5) secondary veins on each side of midvein, originating at or near base and anastomosing apically, tertiary veins numerous, parallel, and connecting secondary veins and midvein but in Memecylon secondary veins pinnate and tertiary veins reticulate.

托叶无。单叶,通常对生和交互对生的具其中一片较小的叶,很少轮生的或由于一对中一枚败育而互生,通常次脉在中脉两边各1-4(或5),发生在基部或近基部,在顶部网结,支脉多数,平等,与次脉和中脉相连但在 Memecylon中,次脉羽状和支脉网状。

Leaves needlelike, scalelike, or both, base of needlelike leaves not jointed, decurrent; cones terminal; seed cones with 3-8 decussate or whorled cone scales.


Leaves opposite, rarely subopposite, petiolate, entire, papery, with pinnate veins, with tendrils between leaf pairs.


Leaves odd-pinnately 3- to many foliolate or sometimes digitately 3-foliolate (occasional leaves even-pinnate, 2-foliolate, or 1-foliolate); functional gynoecium 1-5-loculed, with distinct carpels or carpels basally connate; fruit of 1-5 distinct or basal

叶奇数羽状复叶3-对具小叶的很多或有时具3小叶偶然偶数羽状复叶,2具小叶,或单身复叶;功能的雌蕊群1-5室,具离生的心皮或心皮基部合生; 1-5离生或者基部的果 1 Zanthoxylum 花椒属

Leaves opposite, subopposite, whorled, spiraled, or alternate, usually petiolate, estipulate; petiole sometimes persistent and thornlike; leaf blade simple, margin entire or subentire, sometimes toothed, glands often present between crenations of proximal margin and at base or on petiole.


Leaves opposite , very rarely stipulate, petiolate, entire, leathery to papery, usually glabrous; secondary veins usually prominent, numerous to few, oblique to perpendicular to midvein; tertiary veins reticulate, with adaxial brownish transvenous resin canals and abaxial linear or intervenous translucent glands; petiole often with basal liguliform appendage.

叶对生 ,极少具托叶,具叶柄,全缘,革质到纸质,通常无毛;次脉通常突出,许多对很少,偏斜到与中脉垂直;第三脉网状,具正面带褐色的transvenous树脂道并且背面线形或脉间的半透明的腺体;叶柄通常具基生舌状的附属物。

Leaves alternate; stipules lanceolate, 4-8 mm; petiole 2-11(-13) cm, pubescent or glabrous; leaf blade ovate, elliptic, oblong or subelliptic,(5-)9-21 × 2.5-10 cm, papery, slightly rough, secondary veins 3 or 4 pairs along midvein, abaxial surface strigillose or pubescent on veins, rarely glabrous, adaxial surface sparsely appressed strigillose or glabrous, base broadly cuneate, rounded, or obtuse, margin denticulate, apex acuminate or caudate-acuminate. Glomerules usually unisexual, sometimes bisexual, in the axils of current and fallen leaves along normal leafy stems, 4-10 mm in diam.; male ones on proximal part of flower-bearing branches; female ones on distal part.

叶互生 托叶披针形,4-8毫米;叶柄2-11(-13)厘米,被短柔毛或无毛;叶片卵形,椭圆形,长方形或,( 5-)9-21 * 2.5-10 厘米,纸质,粗糙的稍,次脉3或4 对沿中脉,背面具短糙伏毛的或短柔毛在脉上,很少无毛,正面疏生贴伏具短糙伏毛的或无毛,通常单性的团伞花序,有时两性,在正常生叶的茎的叶和脱落叶的腋内,直径4-10毫米;在忍受花的分枝的下部上的雄性的;在上部上的雌性的。

Shrubs, usually aerial hemiparasites on other seed plants, often spreading along host by runners, more rarely terrestrial root-parasitic shrubs or trees, nodes not articulated, glabrous or hairy, hairs often stellate or verticillate. Leaves opposite or alternate, stipules absent; petiole often indistinct; leaf blade simple, usually pinnately veined, margin entire.


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