- 与 其实 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Cao Guowei: The atmosphere that is brought up in one's childhood, actually I also am born in the Great Cultural Revolution, so we what doesn't the person that that time is born have actually too much the atmosphere that be in business, should for Shanghai whole environment is opposite China elsewhere for, I feel commercial breath or the commercial consciousness of people is stronger, this may have bit of effect, but I feel very much or the environment in grown the following very much education, job, can my whole business side the sort of no matter be recognizant it may not be a bad idea, experience it may not be a bad idea, can edify come out, be in especially sina I feel on this platform is very big to my help.
Shyam:Actually, one of my friends who visited Shanghai and Beijing recently told me otherwise that average chinese is not well fed. Their physique can't be compared to that of typical Punjabis.
另一叫Shyam 的附和:其实,我最近访问过上海和北京的一个朋友告诉我其实中国人平均吃得并不好,他们的体质完全不能与Punjabis
Death is very close to each and every person, death in an instant. I really like the ants he uses. I see the ants as people, this tiny, ungraspable and impermanent feeling. Ants and people don't really have any essential differences.
In general I prefer to shield you guys from whacky
Well it seems to me that the entire english part of that email was writen in a non-english environment, my OS is very sensitive with half-width and full-width cases, some of the punctuations in the english part of that email suggested that those english was definitely writhen in a chinese or japese version of windows xp or vista.
I am overzealous '??v?'zel?s, adj.
评语: 这其实是一个很巧妙的问题,你要讲得出一个其实是优点的缺点。
When you take off the lid,the fleas contunue to jump ,but they will not jump out of the box .
目前只有你答了,其实很多人看了之后,总觉的简单、自己会,其实真的把他表达清楚也不是容易的,你做的很好~~加油~~威望+ 3 金钱+ 10
During Harry's suspension, he and Tonks had met weekly, ostensibly for drinks, though mostly so Harry could pry for information about Malfoy, and Tonks could pry for information about Ginny—not that Harry knows any more about Ginny's self-imposed exile than Tonks does, in spite of Harry and Ginny's cautious reconciliation.
Today, bustles about in one day, I in have written nearly all time flower the work, I discovered that actually studies is very relaxed, so long as I have entered the study condition, actually the study is very relaxed happy.
One can always count on culpability to look for ways of being exorcised, but it really isn't a question of guilt. To send a dollar in response to the absurd challenge of the advertisement, is the sacrificial response par excellence.
- 推荐网络例句
With Death guitarist Schuldiner adopting vocal duties, the band made a major impact on the scene.
But he could still end up breakfasting on Swiss-government issue muesli because all six are accused of nicking around 45 million pounds they should have paid to FIFA.
Closes the eye, the deep breathing, all no longer are the dreams as if......