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与 关节 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Early changes consist of mild joint space narrowing and minimal osteophyte formation.

c.X 线表现:X线所见与组织病理的变性期一致,早期变化有轻度关节间隙窄狭窄,受累关节周围有很轻的骨赘形成。

Early changes consist of mild joint space narrowing and minimal osteophyte formation " spurring ". of the periphery of involved joints .


More advanced disease is manifested by severe joint space narrowing, marked osteophyte formation at the joint margins, dense sclerosis of subchondral bone, and subchondral cysts.


C. x-ray findings: x-ray findings are consistent with the histopathologic stage of degeneration. early changes consist of mild joint space narrowing and minimal osteophyte formation. of the periphery of involved joints.

c.x 线表现:x线所见与组织病理的变性期一致,早期变化有轻度关节间隙窄狭窄,受累关节周围有很轻的骨赘形成。

More advanced disease is manifested by severe joint ace narrowing, marked osteophyte formation at the joint margi , de e sclerosis of subchondral bone, and subchondral cysts.


RESULTS: Fractal signature of the medial tibial plateau at baseline was predictive of medial knee JSN progression (area under the curve 0.75, of a receiver operating characteristic curve) but was not predictive of osteophyte formation or progression of JSN in the lateral compartment.

结果:内侧胫骨平台的基线分形特征可以预测膝内侧关节间隙缩窄的进展(接受者操作特征曲线下面积 0.75),但不能预测骨赘形成和外侧关节间隙缩窄的进展。

RESULTS: Sixteen weeks later, the CR tablets showed that in the normal group, joint space was normal, and the articular facet was complete and smooth with no osteophyte; in the model group, the medial space was obviously narrowing with obvious osteophyte.


Current application for hip arthroscopy include management of labral tears, osteoplasty for femoroacetabular impingement, thermal capsulorrhaphy and capsular plication for subtle rotational instability and capsular laxity, lateral impact injury and chondral lesions, osteochondritis dissecans, ligamentum teres injuries, internal and external snapping hip, removal of loose bodies, synovial biopsy, subtotal synovectomy, synovial chondromatosis, infection, and certain cases of mild to moderate osteoarthritis with associated mechanical symptoms.


Results Soft tissue swelling: 19 cases showed on CT (degree Ⅰ 6 cases; degree Ⅱ: 5 cases; degree Ⅲ: 8 cases), and 12 cases showed on MRI (degree Ⅰ 4 cases; degree Ⅱ 3 cases; degree Ⅲ 5 cases); Arthroedema seven on CT, and Ⅱ on MRI; Synovium granulation hyperblastosis 13 on CT, and 10 on MRI; Changes of joint space 13 on CT, and 17 on MRI. Destruction of bone (6 cases), osteosclerosis (15), osteoporosis (4), bone pneumatosis (6) and abscess-like cyst (1) were seen on CT.

结果 CT显示软组织肿胀19例(Ⅰ度6例,Ⅱ度5例,Ⅲ度8例),MRI显示12例(Ⅰ度4例,Ⅱ度3例,Ⅲ度5例);CT显示关节腔积液7例,MRI显示Ⅱ例;CT显示滑膜肉芽组织增生13例,MRI显示10例;CT显示关节间隙改变13例,MRI显示7例;CT显示髋关节骨质破坏6例,骨质硬化15例,骨质疏松4例,骨内积气6例,脓肿样囊腔1例。

And observed the changes of pawl swelling, multi-arthritis and hestopathology in joint inflammation.


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