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He gave special mention to the bishops of China,"who have not been able to be represented in the synodal assembly."


The fifth council had set the example of condemning dead writers, who had died in Catholic communion, but George suggested that his dead predecessors might be spared, and only their teaching anathematized.


RESULTS: Four kinds of harmonious relationships in human beings' living world are disclosed, namely, the symbiosis of man and nature, the interaction between man and man, the integration of human beings and their egos, and the signification of mental health by inosculating man and "god".


There is the Mass of the Catechumens with the little Entrance, the Lessons, Mass of the Faithful and great Entrance, litanies, Our Father, breaking of the Host, Communion, thanksgiving, and dismissal.

有群众的慕道者与小入口,教训,大量的忠实和伟大的入口, litanies ,我们的父亲,打破了东道主,共融,感恩节,及解雇。

It was then (1649) that Cornet, syndic of the Sorbonne, took the initiative in a more radical measure; he extracted five propositions from the much-discussed work, two from the book "On Frequent Communion", and submitted them to the judgment of the faculty.

当时( 1649 ) cornet ,理事的索邦大学,采取了主动行动,在一个更激进的措施;他提取5主张从备受讨论的工作,两人来自这本书&对频繁的共融&,并提交了他们的判断该学院。

The violent measures adopted by Elizabeth and the Stuarts to enforce conformity caused the more timid and moderate of the Puritans to remain in communion with the State Church, though keeping up to the present day an incessant protest against "popish tendencies"; but the more advanced and daring of their leaders began to perceive that there was no place for them in a Church governed by a hierarchy and enslaved to the civil power.

暴力所采取的措施,黄钱其濂和斯图尔特执行整合造成更多的怯懦和温和的清教徒留在共融与国家教会,虽然饲养至目前为止,每天不断抗议& popish倾向&,但同时,越是先进和气魄,他们的领导人,开始感觉到不存在的地方,他们在一所教堂由一个层次,被奴役的,以民间力量。

Timothy Cutler, the rector of Yale College, with six other Congregational ministers, all men of learning and piety, announced to their brethren in the Congregational ministry of Connecticut that they could no longer remain out of visible communion with an Episcopal Church: that some of them doubted of the validity, while others were persuaded of the invalidity, of Presbyterian ordinations.


Tertullian's list of customs observed by Apostolic tradition though not in Scripture (De cor., iii) is famous: the baptismal renunciations and feeding with milk and honey, fasting Communion, offerings for the dead on their anniversaries, no fasting or kneeling on the Lord's Day and between Easter and Pentecost, anxiety as to the falling to the ground of any crumb or drop of the Holy Eucharist, the Sign of the Cross made continually during the day.


Leo XIII, writing 22 June, 1897, to the Bishop of Marseilles, commends most heartily the practice of confirming children before their first communion as being more in accord with the ancient usage of the Church.


Leo XIII, writing 22 June, 1897, to the Bishop of Marseilles, commends most heartily the practice of confirming children before their first communion as being more in accord with the ancient usage of the Church.


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In Amsterdam. He is a Dutch painter, draftsman, and etcher of the 17th century, the greatest artist of the Dutch school, a master of light and shadow whose paintings, drawings, and etchings made him a giant in the history of art.


Impulsively, she had married a man she thought she loved.
