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与 共融的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Now, forasmuch as the Mass is such a giving of the Sacrament, we hold one communion every holy-day, and, if any desire the Sacrament, also on other days, when it is given to such as ask for it.

现在, forasmuch的质量就是这样一个给予的圣餐,我们每一个神圣的共融天,如果任何愿望的圣餐,也对其他天,当它是考虑到,如要求它。

The Council of Tribur (895) declared in regard to bandits that if, when captured or wounded they confessed to a priest or a deacon, they should not be denied communion; and this expression "presbytero vel diacono" was incorporated in the Decree of Gratian and in many later documents from the tenth century to the thirteenth.

安理会的tribur ( 895 )宣布,对于土匪,如果当被俘或受伤,他们供认了一名神父或执事,他们不应该被剥夺的共融;这表达" presbytero或diacono "被纳入这项法令的gratian并在后来的许多文件,从十世纪至十三。

The union in Christ is not a union of two natures directly with one another, but a union of the two in one hypostasis; thus they are distinct yet inseparable, and each acts in communion with the other.


The conflict with Pelagianism and the diligent perusal of Chrysostom freed him from the bondage of Platonism, and he thenceforth attached to caro a separate, individual value independent of that of spiritus, going so far, in fact, as to maintain too strongly that the Communion of children was absolutely necessary to salvation.

冲突与佩拉纠学派和勤于阅读金口释放了他的枷锁柏拉图的,他此后的重视卡罗一个单独的,个体价值独立的,即spiritus ,竟然有那么远,其实,以维持太强烈认为共融儿童是绝对必要的,以救赎。

The violent measures adopted by Elizabeth and the Stuarts to enforce conformity caused the more timid and moderate of the Puritans to remain in communion with the State Church, though keeping up to the present day an incessant protest against "popish tendencies"; but the more advanced and daring of their leaders began to perceive that there was no place for them in a Church governed by a hierarchy and enslaved to the civil power.

暴力所采取的措施,黄钱其濂和斯图尔特执行整合造成更多的怯懦和温和的清教徒留在共融与国家教会,虽然饲养至目前为止,每天不断抗议" popish倾向",但同时,越是先进和气魄,他们的领导人,开始感觉到不存在的地方,他们在一所教堂由一个层次,被奴役的,以民间力量。

It was then (1649) that Cornet, syndic of the Sorbonne, took the initiative in a more radical measure; he extracted five propositions from the much-discussed work, two from the book "On Frequent Communion", and submitted them to the judgment of the faculty.

当时( 1649 ) cornet ,理事的索邦大学,采取了主动行动,在一个更激进的措施;他提取5主张从备受讨论的工作,两人来自这本书"对频繁的共融",并提交了他们的判断该学院。

But then Nestorius resisted the judgment of the Church, whereas Theodore died in Catholic communion, and was the friend of saints, including that crowning glory of the Antiochene school, St. John Chrysostom, whose greatest sermons were preached at Antioch, before he became Bishop of Constantinople.


This is Hangzhou. It has come to here amidst love and hope of a thousand year history. In a complicated tangle and coexistence of nostalgia and pioneer, she throws out a radiant brilliance day after day. We need no excuse to stop at this place because we already have one: cherishment - the absolute reason given to us by this city.


His function then was limited to the forum externum; in the absence of a priest he could "reconcile" the sinner, ie, restore him to the communion of the Church; but he did not and could not give the sacramental absolution which a priest would have given.

他的职能则是有限的,以论坛externum ;在没有一名牧师,他能&调和&的千古罪人,即恢复他的共融,教会,但他没有也不可能让圣赦免,其中一名神父会有鉴于

There were then two separate parties in the East having no communion with each other: the Iconoclast persecutors under the emperor with their anti-patriarch Theodotus, and the Catholics led by Theodore the Studite acknowledging the lawful patriarch Nicephorus and above him the distant Latin bishop who was to them the "chief pastor of the Church under heaven".


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In Amsterdam. He is a Dutch painter, draftsman, and etcher of the 17th century, the greatest artist of the Dutch school, a master of light and shadow whose paintings, drawings, and etchings made him a giant in the history of art.


Impulsively, she had married a man she thought she loved.
