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与 共融的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The council also attempted to organize a new crusade to the Holy Land and to encourage crusading efforts against the Albigenses and Waldenses. Many precepts still binding on Roman Catholics (such as the Easter duty, or obligation, of annual confession and Holy Communion) were adopted at this council.

安理会还企图组织一个新十字军东征,以圣地,并鼓励crusading的努力,反对比根斯派和waldenses 许多戒律仍然具有约束力罗马天主教徒(如复活节的责任,义务或责任,每年的自白和神圣的共融)通过了本会。

He neglected the visions, for the sake of the honour and gain, but finally was scourged all night by the holy angels, so that in the morning with haste and tears he betook himself in sackcloth and ashes to Pope Zephyrinus and cast himself at the feet of the clergy, and even of the laity, showing the weals of the blows, and was after some difficulty restored to communion.


In 1442, during the life, and with the approval, of this Council, Eugenius IV issued several Bulls, or decrees, with a view to restore the Oriental schismatic bodies to communion with Rome, and according to the common teaching of theologians these documents are infallible states of doctrine.

在1442年,在生活中,并徵得批准后,本会的, eugenius四,下发了若干公牛,或法令,以期挽回东方schismatic机构与罗马的共融,而根据共同教学的神学家,这些文件是犯错的国家学说。

The pope broke off all communion with the Patriarchs of Alexandria, Antioch (where an enemy of Chrysostom had succeeded Flavian), and Constantinople, until they consented to admit his name into the diptychs of the Church.


In 1524 iconoclasts removed religious statuary from the church, and the next year the Catholic mass was replaced with a Zwinglian communion using both bread and wine as symbols of Christ's body and blood.

在1524 iconoclasts宗教雕像移走从教堂,并在明年的天主教弥撒取代了Zwinglian共融使用面包和酒的象徵基督的身体和血液。

The reverse-cultural feature of China's network news transmission is the apathy and treason to Chinese traditional culture and the cultural variation which is produced by amalgamating with the foreign culture.


Consequently those anywhere in that province who subscribed to the heresy of the Messalians or Enthusiasts, or who were suspected of the disease, whether clerical or lay, are to come together; if they sign the anathemas according to what was promulgated in the aforementioned synod, should they be clergy they should remain such and if laity they are to remain in communion.

因此这些地方在该省谁订阅了邪教的Messalians或发烧友,或者谁被怀疑的疾病,无论是文书或奠定基础,是能够走到一起;如果他们签署anathemas 据颁布了上述会议,它们应当神职人员应保持这样的,如果俗人他们留在共融。

Under this situation, moral education errs from various and particular life as well as freedom.


The primal universality of cosmic matters is the Dao property of perfect fusion, and only when the human society possesses the primal universality of the cosmic societies can it be co-existent and interfusing with the cosmic social system and possess the property of perfect fusion that conforms to the needs of human happiness.


A revision of the Book of Common Prayer was proposed in the Church of England in 1927, and although it was approved by the church's Convocations and House of Laity of Church Assembly, the book was rejected by Parliament largely because it reintroduced controversial pre-Reformation ideas, particularly in the Communion service.


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The good news is that after formatting from the command line to FAT32 (format /fs:fat32 /a:4096 drive:) all but one of the problematic games that I tested work perfectly.


In Amsterdam. He is a Dutch painter, draftsman, and etcher of the 17th century, the greatest artist of the Dutch school, a master of light and shadow whose paintings, drawings, and etchings made him a giant in the history of art.


Impulsively, she had married a man she thought she loved.
