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与 公报 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Three and a half years after that sparrow's death, a terse entry appeared in the Federal Register announcing that the dusky seaside sparrow was now extinct and had been removed from the federal government's list of endangered and threatened wildlife.


In 2002, the World Health Organization bulletin said: nearly half of the people in the indoor air pollution, has given rise to 35.7% of respiratory diseases, 22% of chronic lung disease, 15% of tracheitis, bronchitis and lung cancer, the degree of pollution is far exceed the World Health Organization estimates.


The system for the database application software, Ulster inquiries to 2001 statistical bulletin of the 17 varieties of yarn quality of the statistical value.


And this is reflected in the communiqué that we have unanimously agreed to today.


Very significant, as showing a deep-rooted desire for some form of atoning sacrifice, is the custom-known already in the time of the Geonim, and found in Asia and Africa (see Benjamin II.,"Acht Yahre in Asien und Africa," 1858, p. 273), as well as in Europe (Asheri Yoma viii. 23; Mazor Vitry, p. 339; Kol Bo lxviii.; Shulan 'Aruk, Ora ayyim, 605), though disapproved by Namanides, Solomon ben Adret, and Joseph Caro-of swinging over one's head, on or before the eve of Atonement Day, a fowl, usually a rooster or hen; solemnly pronouncing the same to be a vicarious sacrifice to be killed in place of the Jew or Jewess who might be guilty of death by his or her sin.

非常重要,因为显示一个根深蒂固的愿望,为某种形式的atoning牺牲,是定制众所周知,已在时间的geonim ,并发现,在亚洲和非洲(见本杰明二,"阿赫特yahre在asien und非洲," 1858年,第273页),以及在欧洲(阿舍里yoma八, 23岁; mazor vitry ,第339名; Kol公报lxviii ; shulan ' aruk , ora ayyim , 605 ),虽然不赞成namanides ,索罗门贲adret和约瑟夫卡罗( ur ora ayyim ,立法会)-摆动超过一个人的头部,或以前前夕的赎罪日,禽,通常是公鸡还是母鸡;庄严宣告了同样是一个替代牺牲被杀害到位对犹太人或jewess那些可能犯的死刑,他或她的罪过。

We all had big name tags printed in capital letters so we wouldn't have to squint with our reading glasses on trying to associate the name with each well-traveled face.


Their report is to be published next month in aboleten of the World Health Organization.


According to 1945,"Anglo-Soviet Yalta Conference, the three communiques,""Soviet Union United States and Britain Berlin Potsdamer Conference on the Protocol" and other relevant documents, in Germany after the surrender by the Soviet Union, the United States, Britain, France and the four countries occupied Germany and the Berlin area.


Arbizu has also ensured the local publication of the court's ruling in the media as well as in the official bulletin of CABA, giving the gambling company a 48-hour deadline.


"Baotou City in 2002 for National Economic and Social Development", 9 flag Baotou municipal, county, district, of which: 3 in the urban areas (Kundulun area, Castle Peak District, East District) 2 mine (Bayan Obo mine, Shi Po districts), 4 Qixian areas of agriculture and animal husbandry (tumd right flag, Daer Han Ming-mao joint flag-County, nine in the same district).


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
