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The image-guided procedure involves freezing the tumor with a needlelike probe inserted through the skin and has a very high success rate when used on tumors that are 4 cm or smaller in size, said Christos Georgiades, MD, PhD, from Johns Hopkins University, in Baltimore, Maryland.

March 25, 2008 —冷冻治疗法提供无法接受手术和微创腹腔镜手术等方式的小肾脏肿瘤病患一个治癒选择;约翰霍普金斯大学的Christos Georgiades博士表示,这个影像导引技术利用一个探针穿过皮肤冷冻肿瘤,当肿瘤大小在4公分以下时,有很高的成功率。

The results showed that the structure characteristics of block cloddy was with tight surface but loose inner, the bulk density of the crust can be high as 1.39~2.0g/cm^3, which was mainly affect by unreasonable tillage process. The tight surface can not be crushed by nature alternation of drying and wetting. Farming machinery to impact and rotary tillage were necessary when reduce them.


Although spring is approaching, here in the city of Coquitlam in Canada, the high altitude keeps the temperature two degrees lower than other parts of British Columbia.


Leaves simple, rosulate, margin roundly dentate; raceme terminal; flower ca. 1 cm long, light purple, the upper lip 2-lobed, the lower lip 3-lobed, larger and yellow spotted; stamens 4, in two pairs of two different length (= didynamous); fruit a capsule.


Cm^2 of nitromethane electroreduction appeared at -0.89 V and the reaction activation energy was 12.3 kJ/mol.


When the investigators saw him at age four years, they found him on physical examination to be normal except for having two to three cm of dry, erythematous patches on both cheeks, as well as "mildly dry" skin on the flexor/extensor surfaces of both arms. They subjected him to a standard battery of tests and found negative results on skin prick testing to milk, eggs, peanuts, and dust mites, and serum IgE testing was also negative.


With the incidence of renal tumors on the increase,"Surgery is the only curative treatment option, and extirpative surgery is standard," said Vivekanandan Kumar, MD, PhD, specialist registrar in the Department of Urology at the Bristol Urological Institute, England, during his presentation.

March 28, 2008-根据一项多中心前瞻性研究结果,尽管手术间并发症发生率较高,腹腔镜冷冻摘除术对於大於3公分的肾脏肿瘤来说,是安全且可行的。

The resected tumor was 5×4×4 cm in size and contained many cystic spaces filling with fibrinous clot.


The thickness of bovine liver in vitro ranged from 4 to 10 cm. Ultrasound energy was continuously delivered to ablate the liver with a frequency of 1.6MHz, and spatial peak pulse average acoustic intensity of 12000 W/cm^2. The characteristics of complete coagulation necrosis and exposure time were measured after FUSC exposure, and pathological changes in treated bovine liver tissue were observed.


Computed tomography of the abdomen revealed a well-defined hypervascular tumor, measuring around 7×7×8 cm, exophytic from the lower pole of the right kidney.


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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
