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与 公分 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Vardenafil has a similar duration of action to sildenafil, but is more potent and selective biochemically.


You can have high heritability (between parents and children, yet) large difference between children. An example from my 1996 book on intelligence, A Bioecological Treatise on Intellectual Development, is that the male son of Japanese immigrants to the US during the first part of the twentieth century grew, on average, five inches taller than their fathers despite heritability remaining approximately at 9!


First, biparietal diameter of 9.6 cm, more than normal, it should be said of a large fetal count.


"We suggest a regular, simple urethral dilation protocol for patients with recurrent bulbomembranous urethral stricture shorter than 2 cm, because this significantly allays the stricture recurrence rate, possibly eliminates the need for consecutive DVIU, and reduces morbidity," the authors write.

作者认为,对复发bulbomembranous的尿道狭窄小於2 公分的患者,最好有一个常规且简单的尿道扩张方法,因为可以显著减少尿道狭窄的复发率,可能还可以减少DVIU治疗的次数而减少发病率。

"We suggest a regular, simple urethral dilation protocol for patients with recurrent bulbomembranous urethral stricture shorter than 2 cm, because this significantly allays the stricture recurrence rate, possibly eliminates the need for consecutive DVIU, and reduces morbidity," the authors write.

作者认为,对复发bulbomembranous的尿道狭窄小于2 公分的患者,最好有一个常规且简单的尿道扩张方法,因为可以显著减少尿道狭窄的复发率,可能还可以减少DVIU治疗的次数而减少发病率。

The only other vertebrates known to subsist solely on blood are certain types of candiru, a poorly studied but much feared group of 2-centimeter catfish found in the Amazon and Orinoco Rivers.


Ti-6Al-4V sheet specimens were cathodically charged at a constant current density 100 mA/cm^2 in 1N H2SO4 aqueous solution for various periods.

本研究探讨Ti-6Al-4V合金在1N硫酸水溶液中施以阴极电流密度100 mA/平方公分,进行不同时间之电解渗氢效果。

Recent days I had been to Dujiangyan City to visit the NongJiaLe, which is full of the atmosphere of zoology. Under the theme of visiting cherry blossom, NongJiaLe had planted many trees of cherry blossom. I happened to see someone buying CherryBlossom saplings, price of a cherry planting stock of ten centimeter size is about 400 Yuan, which is quite a high price.


88Cm of snow - this is a new forty-year record for British Columbia, Canada. But there is more:as the snow melted, followed by consecutive rains, the town of Chilliwack experienced its worst flooding in 120 years! Nearly 100 families were affected.

88公分的积雪,创下加拿大卑诗省40年来的纪录,不过纪录还不只这个,当积雪融化又碰上豪雨,这一刻的水患灾情是芝里华克市 120年来最严重的天灾,近百户人家受到影响。

The image-guided procedure involves freezing the tumor with a needlelike probe inserted through the skin and has a very high success rate when used on tumors that are 4 cm or smaller in size, said Christos Georgiades, MD, PhD, from Johns Hopkins University, in Baltimore, Maryland.

March 25, 2008 —冷冻治疗法提供无法接受手术和微创腹腔镜手术等方式的小肾脏肿瘤病患一个治愈选择;约翰霍普金斯大学的Christos Georgiades博士表示,这个影像导引技术利用一个探针穿过皮肤冷冻肿瘤,当肿瘤大小在4公分以下时,有很高的成功率。

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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
