英语人>网络例句>公分 相关的搜索结果


与 公分 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In this paper, the conversion of unit between photometry and radiometry is achieved, and the measurement of exposure in μJ/cm^2 by luminometer is realized.


P=0.06. The average ages of menarche were similar between the Yucheng and the control groups.


The set net will collect more sharptail ocean sunfish when the wind direction angle is 170 and 190. The standard length of male to maturate of sharptail mola is around 120cm and there are not enough data to decide the size of female to become maturation.


Scintillator strips are 1 cm thick, 4.1 cm wide, and their Moliere radius is of 3.7cm.

闪烁带1厘米厚, 4.1公分宽,其半径是莫里哀的三点七厘米。

The death rate grew by 37%. Chinese previously did not need security door. But by now, to some place, security window has been set at seventh floor. For there are too many gangster every where, no company in China would arrange with their workwomen to go home at night. No body knows what really are the food every one have everyday. Neoteny has take place on children. Then we can imagine the situation of our health in the future. There are about 20 million girls in China are pursuing sexual work. That creates 6% of GDP aggregate, which is as much as 1000 billion RMB. This kind of activity had never appeared in the history of human being except Japan. The height of Chinese people is 2.5cm lower than that of Japanese. We can no longer see them by looking down. The small Japan became big Japan. We create 0.1 billions GDP with the payment of 1 person's life, reported by reference news. The number of death in 2003 is 136 thousands. So the number of industrial injury will be 200 thousands. It is true that our GDP is bloody. Actually, this number is a small part of the true number. The numbers which can be accounted are in nationalized business or in a big accident. In personalized business or overseas-funded enterprise, the owner do not pay attention on the death of workers. So the data can not pass to the statistical department. However, the number of death there is much more than that of the first ones. If we add this in account, the number,annually can be compared with the massacre in Nanjing.


Magnetic resonance images showed a 7 cm deep soft tissue tumor in the upper back with extension to left neural foramen of 4th thoracic spine.


The Malayan Night Heron stands about 47cm tall.


The island of Taiwan is located at the junction between the Eurasian plate and the Philippine plate. The Philippine plate moves northwestward at a speed of 7 cm/year, which leads to frequent earthquakes, therefore, using GPS base station monitoring on disaster prevention is quite important.


The cookies are quite large, about 8 cm (3 inch diameter) and placed on a thin wafer base called Oblate.


An okapi's tongue is 30cm long. Okapis tongues are so long that they use them to clean their eyes and their ears.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
