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Then positively ana.lyzed transmission effect of monetary policy of China in recent years, and with relative theories, discussed rr~ore deeply the existing principal problems on transmission mechanisms of monetary policy in our state under the realistic institutional situation of economy and finance:(1)Monetary policy tools lag behind the economic and financil background;(2)Separated and uneven money markets, the lack of transaction agents and defect in the relation between money markets and c~potal markets, have rendered the transaction of monetary policy lack on effective channel;(3)over-speculating, illegal operation and insufficient competition have severely weakened the transmission fumction;(4) systematic defect of state -owned commercial bank, asymmetry between financial and economic composition have made monetary policy lose an effective carrier;(5) factors beyond the financial system, such as soft cornstraint over state - owned enterprises policy decision, imperfect social insurance system, etc.


Then positively ana.lyzed transmission effect of monetary policy of China in recent years, and with relative theories, discussed rr~ore deeply the existing principal problems on transmission mechanisms of monetary policy in our state under the realistic institutional situation of economy and finance:(1)Monetary policy tools lag behind the economic and financil background;(2)Separated and uneven money markets, the lack of transaction agents and defect in the relation between money markets and c~potal markets, have rendered the transaction of monetary policy lack on effective channel;(3)over-speculating, illegal operation and insufficient competition have severely weakened the transmission fumction;(4) systematic defect of state -owned commercial bank, asymme try between financial and economic composition have made monetary policy lose an effective carrier;(5) factors beyond the financial system, such as soft cornstraint over state - owned enterprises' policy decision, imperfect social insurance system, etc.


This text passes the writing background of divertimento and analysis of the works of"""""""" tour in winter"""""""" to romanticism composer Schubert, Propose that this structure is huge, and has all achieved the artistic characteristics of the divertimento of very high achievement in characterization and psychology portrayed: Expressing the deep thought with the tactics that suggest, development music and ideal of the literature poesy are combined ; The creative development piano accompanies on the functional function of art, the artistic conception of making every effort to portray the musical image and playing up the song from many aspects; The song is tuneful and smooth naturally, has folk song and succinct and simple; It is quiet and symmetrical that the whole divertimento has dramaticism but a magnum opus of a romanticism remains classicism throughout.


This text pases the writing background of divertimento and analysis of the works of tour in winter to romanticism composer Schubert,Propose that this structure is huge,and has all achieved the artistic characteristics of the divertiment of very high achievement in characterizayion and psychology portrayed:Expressing the deep thought with the tactics that suggest,development music and ideal of the literature poesy are combined;The creayive development piano accompanies on the functional funcyion of art,the artisitic conception of making every effort to portray the musical image and smooth naturally,has folk song and succinct and simple;It is quiet and symmetrical that the whole divertimento has dramaticism but a magnum opus of a romanticism remains classicism throughout.


During these years (1997-2000) in the research area of annonaceous acetogenins 5 natural products and a number of chiral-pure analogs of annonaceous acetogenins have been synthesized using sugars as the starting materials. Their high activity and selectivity against cell line of colon tumor and a relationship between activity and configuration have been found too. In the respect of inhibitor of sialidase two new methodologies for the synthesis of chiral-pure 3-deoxy-ulosonic acid using hetero-Diels-Alder reaction or asymmetric propargylation as the key reaction were developed. On the topic of anti-leukemia marine natural product clavulactone a synthetic method based on the free radical cyclization and starting from sugar has been developed. In other title of PKC inhibited agent sphingosine a new synthetic route with SN2' as the key reaction has also been disclosed.

项目期间(1997-2000)在番荔枝内酯方面从糖出发合成了五个天然产物和一批手性纯的类似物,它们对肠癌细胞有很高的活性和选择性,并与构型有关;在唾液酸酶抑制剂方面发展了二类全新手性纯高碳糖的合成方法-杂原子D-A反应或丙炔基不对称加成为关键的反应;抗白血病海洋天然产物群柱虫内酯方面研究了由糖出发和自由基环化反应的合成方法;对PKC 起抑制作用的鞘氨醇方面也开创了新的合成途径-由糖出发并以SN2'反应为关键反应。

Corolla purple to blue or white or yellow to red, zygomorphic, inside glabrous or puberulent; tube campanulate-cylindric to broadly tubular, sometimes ampliate basally, throat sometimes constricted, 1-4 X longer than limb, 2-8(-12) mm in diam.; limb slightly 2-lipped to 2-lipped; adaxial lip 2-lobed, slightly shorter than to nearly as long as abaxial lip; abaxial lip 3-lobed to 3-sect, lobes equal or subequal, apex rounded to acute.

花冠紫色到蓝色或白色或黄色对红色,左右对称,被微柔毛的里面无毛或;圆筒状的钟状的筒部对宽管状,有时基部,有时缢缩的喉,X长于瓣片,2-8毫米直径;对二唇形有点二唇形的瓣片; 2裂的正面唇,稍短于到近等长于背轴唇;背面的唇3浅裂的到3全裂,裂片等长或近等长,先端圆形的到锐尖。

Diagnosis/testing. A diagnosis of ocular albinism is probable in the presence of congenital nystagmus, iris translucency, and significant hypopigmentation of the ocular fundus periphery in males with normal skin pigmentation and foveal hypoplasia, reduced visual acuity, and aberrant optic pathway projection, as demonstrated by crossed asymmetry of the cortical responses on visual evoked potential. X-linked inheritance is documented by either a family history consistent with X-linked inheritance or the presence of typical carrier signs (irregular retinal pigmentation and partial iris transillumination) in an obligate carrier female.


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Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
