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Having as many planes as required for complete symmetry in a given crystal system.


Thus LES is proved to be suitable to simulate the flow and temperature fields of large scale vortices with complex geometric boundaries. LES cooperated with the second order full extension ETG finite element method is applied to simulate the forced convection heat transfer around two square cylinders arranged side by side. While the boundary conditions are symmetrical, the time history and power spectrums of drag coefficient, lift coefficient, averaged Nusselt number at the wall, and the streamwise velocity and temperature on the symmetrical points are calculated. The results show that the power spectrums are all almost symmetrical.


The structures and stabilities of the ground-states for Cu13-nAgn clusters have been studied by Gupta model potential based on tight binding second moment approximation in combination with a genetic algorithm. It is found that the lowest energy structures of the pure clusters (n=0,13) are perfect icosahedron, and the structures for the bimetallic clusters (n=1~10) have stable structure which are slightly deformed with respect to the perfect icosahedron, The Cu atom prefers to occupy the center of the clusters with higher coordination numbers.


Some sufficient and necessary conditions of the full symmetric real matrix is full definite matrix are discussed.


The discovery of [60]fullerene made us to learn of a completely new world ofcarbon: from plane molecule of low symmetry to ball shape molecule of highsymmetry, from simple molecule to supermolecule of fullerene clathrate and fromone-dimensional superconductivity to three-dimensional superconductivity.


Based on the previous work, two expansion formulas of fully symmetric wave function for describing three bosons in different orbits are obtained, which can be used to calculate the nuclear specturm.


Corolla actinomorphic or slightly zygomorphic, 5(-7)-lobed; stamens 5(-7); leaf blade margin entire

花冠辐射对称的或稍左右对称,有叶5(-7);雄蕊5(-7);叶片边缘全缘 18 Sphenodesme 楔翅藤属

Stipules fully amplexicaul; leaf blade entire, symmetric or asymmetric, margin often toothed; wax glands in axils of main basal veins, often also in other vein axils or on nodes.


The research has studied a type of double input direct current amplifier which is holohedral symmetry and whole complementry to get the work fundamental of this electric circuit, and investigate the basic way and principle of the design.


Leaves alternate, pinnately veined, with strongly parallel secondary veins, base often asymmetrical, margin entire.


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Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
