- 与 光速 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
The numbers are impressive, but misleading from the point of view of a faster than light signal.
If we are to ultra-light travel, the moment arrived in the solar system 100 light-years from the planet, we can launch on Earth from the light is the light of a century ago.
Unfortunately, as Einstein states in his Special Theory of Relativity, nothing is faster than the speed of light.
A solar flare on January 20, 2005 released the highest concentration of protons ever directly measured [6] , taking only 15 minutes after observation to reach Earth, indicating a velocity of approximately one-third light speed.
阿太阳耀斑对05年1月二十〇号释放最集中的质子以往任何时候都直接测量[ 6 ] ,同时仅15分钟后,观察到地球,显示出速度的大约三分之一光速。
People consider it true that all types of radiant energy move through a vacuum at the speed of light.
A new annotation is referred to explain the Fresnel's formulation, then some formulations that are about the relationship of the velocity of light in medium and the molecular volume is proposed.
Light traels at 186,000 miles per second, but in twenty picoseconds it would only trael just under a quarter of an inch.
In the universe of energy, mass, and speed of light, Borges considers the central riddle time, not space.
Tiin was so in tune with his vessel, that he had no need of a nav computer; he relied on the Force to instinctively astrogate his way through lightspeed.
For other c.s. moving relatively to the ether-sea it should depend on the direction in which we are measuring.
- 推荐网络例句
On the other hand, the more important thing is because the urban housing is a kind of heterogeneity products.
Climate histogram is the fall that collects place measure calm value, cent serves as cross axle for a few equal interval, the area that the frequency that the value appears according to place is accumulated and becomes will be determined inside each interval, discharge the graph that rise with post, also be called histogram.
You rap, you know we are not so good at rapping, huh?