英语人>网络例句>先例的 相关的搜索结果


与 先例的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The motive behind this is unclear, though it has been theorised that they wished to pillage our world for its natural resources. Race X's invasion was a campaign of opportunity, and there have been no instances of Race X activity on Earth since the destruction of Black Mesa, presumably because after the nuclear blast the Black Mesa area was an inhospitable environment, and the Earth as a whole lost its appeal as a target once it was conqured by the Combine.


One Eurocrat suggests that a key ancestor of many continental bans on unfair trading is a German law from the mid-1930s that sought to stamp out what Nazi officials called aggressive "Jewish" conduct among shopkeepers.


Is it credible that this thoroughly externalized operatic music, incapable of devotion, could be received and cherished with enthusiastic favor, as a rebirth, as it were, of all true music, by the very age in which had appeared the ineffably sublime and sacred music of Palestrina?


So far, none of star sensor prototypes has been found equipped with lens hood in native missiles. For improving engineering practicability of star sensor and reducing noise of space scattering lights, designing and selecting of lens hood parameters of star sensor and engineering amelioration of prototype were brought forward, based on design principles and correlative data of foreign missile, which regard lens hood of space star sensor.


A change in market share of 5% of the shares to "Jupai" the relevant laws and regulations has long been popular, with the exception of Baoan Group early in the first set a precedent for extension Jupai in non-industrial operations, market participants can basically comply with the regulations, if Hit 5% this red notice and be able to brake in time, if any, is beyond the scope of the decimal point.


Republicans, sensing that this was the time to go in for the kill, announced that if Democrats continued in their obstructionist ways, they would have no choice but to invoke the dreaded "nuclear option," a novel procedural maneuver that would involve the Senate's presiding officer (perhaps Vice President Cheney himself) ignoring the opinion of the Senate parliamentarian, breaking two hundred years of Senate precedent, and deciding, with a simple bang of the gavel, that the use of filibusters was no longer permissible under the Senate rules—at least when it came to judicial nominations.


Yet all the precedent is on my side: I know that winter death has never tried The earth but it has failed: the snow may heap In long storms an undrifted four feet deep As measured again maple, birch, and oak, It cannot check the peeper's silver croak; And I shall see the snow all go down hill In water of a slender April rill That flashes tail through last year's withered brake And dead weeds, like a disappearing snake.


After making plans of the total promoting plans, suddenly zhang chong put forward new advice, he thought the selling format of the new year has changed, therefore the new method of pormotion should be initiated which nearly cancelled the work of everyone beforehand without any precedented examples, thus the risk would never be small.


"The mere fact that in order to test the truth of the representations some independent inquiry is made, which necessarily is really in the nature of a fishing expedition rather than a systematic search that will necessarily reveal the truth if carried out with reasonable thoroughness, does not indicate lack of reliance; to hold so would enable a liar who falsifies facts peculiarly within his own knowledge to subject to an unconscionable squeeze play: if makes any independent checks he would claim that it isn't 'relying' and thus is not voidable … the only alternative for the company would be to indicate 100 per cent faith and reliance by making no investigation whatsoever, at the risk of having a court later determine that inconsistencies in the application or information otherwise brought to their attention should have caused them to make at least such an inquiry as a prudent man would have made."

但如果受害方的确有去作出了查询并且发觉了这个误述,但他还是去确认合约,这就表示了另一个重要的问题就是他并没有依赖这一个误述。当然,受害方去作出查询并不代表他能够完全知悉真相,所以误述方会有很大的举证责任说明受害方完全通过查询可以知道事实真相,所以后来确认合约并没有去依赖误述。这也是现实,例如在近年来的合并收购的商业活动蓬勃,其中涉及了不少的卖方被指控向买方作出误述。但在这种交易,买方通常会在订约前会来一个"合理努力"的查询/查帐,岂非是卖方就因此可以随意去误述而不必负责了?这方面美国上诉庭有一个先例把这一点说得很清楚,它是New York Life Insurance Co v。 Strudel 243 F 2d 90 (5 Cir 1957),如下

Those early leaders' treasonable behaviour, their promotion of slavery, their genocide against native Americans, and their later imperial adventures in Mexico, in the Philippines, Cuba, China and beyond set appalling precedents.


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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
