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与 先例的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Not all cases are published, however, and there is considerable debate in many jurisdictions about the precedential value of unpublished decisions.


Not all cases are published, howeer, and there is considerable debate in many jurisdictions about the precedential alue of unpublished decisions.


Likewise, in the federal system, a Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals decision would not have any precedential effect on another circuit court appeal.


That conclusion, however, does not mean the United States might not try, and for the time being, with the Tembec decision having been denied precedential effect, the United States could again indulge in the principle that justice delayed is justice denied (i.e., the delay and continued collection of cash deposits would force a settlement unfavorable to the respondents).


Renault-Nissan, for example, is planning to develop new electric vehicles through its Project Better Place deal with Shai Agassi and will also supply cars to Chrysler.


You know, they were sort of stymied; they had no reference points.


Century is the times that novel just upraises , as the fictitious story of a kind of prose body, the novel of now does not become yet " art ", must not seemingly also mount the hall of elegance.


In the 250 year history of cyclo cross a race has never being cancelled due to inclement weather.


As China's first major antitrust review, the Coca-Cola bid was the ministry's chance to set a solid, well-reasoned precedent that would establish the credibility of its new competition law -- and it botched it, badly.


But instead of trying to tame the storm by seeking accommodation with Southern Rhodesia's black leaders—admittedly, a quarrelsome lot—he locked them up. In 1965, in a feebly disguised attempt at matching America's precedent of 1776, he declared Rhodesia independent.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
