英语人>网络例句>充满...的 相关的搜索结果


与 充满...的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To celebrate Christmas and bring the message of loving our families to pets, good friends of human beings, a function was especially held at Chelsea Heights Square. Eric, who is full of love, brought along Robbie, his beloved pet, a Cooker Spaniel. Eric, Robbie and a squad of dogs which were dressed up festively, promulgated the message of love and happiness so as to raise funds for Non-profit making veterinary service society.

为庆祝举世欢腾的圣诞即将来临及将爱护家庭的信息扩至人们的好朋友--宠物,特意在屯门卓尔广场地下中庭举行「爱家宠物Pet Pet迎圣诞」活动,邀得充满爱心的孙耀威亲临,孙耀威更携带心爱的宠物曲架犬Robbie一同出席;连同一班由他亲自设计打扮得充满节日气氛的狗儿,一起宣扬「爱」、「欢乐」的信息,为「非牟利兽医服务协会」筹募经费。

Sitting in a pool of shadow upon a throne made from the fused bones of his victims, a carpet of still-screaming faces leading up to gnarled, naked feet, sits Night Haunter himself.


Pregnancy, the continuity of life, is the task that a woman accomplishes with great strength and courage. It is not only delightful but also toilsome during the natural and noble pregnancy process: some women never felt discomforts in the process while the others underwent different tortures such as infecundity, artificial insemination, vomiting during pregnancy, a venous aneurysm, bleeding, pregnancy following a heart attack, an abortion, a difficult delivery, hysterorrhexis and even death.


In an Oriental atmosphere, enjoy the " Kanun " a typical Turkish musical instrument, discover the delights of a typical " fasil" orchestra and then a programme extravaganza to experience the flavour of words and customs of our folklore and belly dancing. Have Turkish coffee in a Turkish home furnished with lacework all around. And as a final, enjoy a nostalgic journey into the very heart of entertainment.


The entire war was precipitated because a machine was refused the opportunity to choose life over termination... so, it comes with no surprise that the poetic justice of the matrix, in the machines view, was to refuse humans the freedom to choose... and insert purpose in the place of choice. Unfortunately, that didn't solve the problem...


This instrument used the parallel p late capacitor to measure relative dielectric constant of film, which equaled to the ratio of the capacity value full of film and the capacity value full of air. It app lied the equipotential ring technology to reduce the error caused by edge effect in the two p late edges, and greatly increased the measurement p recision and accuracy.


"Algeria and Italy" are one smart-alecky lovable, the lively open and bright lamb, colors for the Olympics five link's in greens, is full of the vitality the green to entrust with its elegant nimble and resourceful makings, symbolizes Baiyun Mountain.


Surrounded by dynamic, engaging personalities, men who were as diverse as they were telegenic, he arrived as a complementary player and departed Barcelona as an emboldened, empowered contemporary.


Especially the oracle bone, based on the second-dimension abstract drawing, a few simple lines can express the profound and outstandingness.


As defined by the books, type As are sensitive perfectionists but overanxious; Type Bs are cheerful but eccentric and selfish; Os are curious, generous but stubborn; and ABs are artistic but mysterious and unpredictable.


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objective:to explore the expression of survivin protein and its mrna in rectal cancer and their clinic significance.


9She was a lively young woman with patience and imagination. A born teacher, she thought she could turn a deaf-blind person into a useful human being.(SBIII L65)Born means (10)The purpose of the fence is to keep out a type of wild dog called a "dingo".
