英语人>网络例句>做手势的 相关的搜索结果


与 做手势的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Do you recall your parents "shushing" you and your siblings at the dinner table so they could talk?


The gesture for OK, making a circle with one's thumb and index finger, has different meanings in different cultures.


Personally, I feel that this is a very unsporting and insulting gesture.


Training the dog: Function switch dial in the "OFF" position, With the Ultrasonic generator toward dog, Pressed the button "TRAINING CALL" at Back, which will be issuing 23KHz ultrasonic of 100dB strong, with gestures and password, your dog can be trained to do some specific action.

训狗:功能开关拨在&OFF&位置,超声波发射头对住狗狗,按动背面的&TRAINING CALL&按键,即会发出23KHz 约100dB的超声波,配合手势和口令,可训练您的爱犬做一些特定的动作。

This red light on top of button is the Show of ultrasonic launching.3:Training the dog: Function switch dial in the "OFF" position, With the Ultrasonic generator toward dog, Pressed the button "TRAINING CALL" at Back, which will be issuing 23KHz ultrasonic of 100dB strong, with gestures and password, your dog can be trained to do some specific action.


Amid the conversation of the ladies, which still continued in front of the hearth, they both spoke in subdued tones, and, seeing them there with their white cravats and gloves, one might have supposed them to be discussing in chosen phraseology some really serious topic.


Round the side of the Evening Telegraph he just caught a fleeting glimpse of her face round the side of the door with a kind of demented glassy grin showing that she was not exactly all there, viewing with evident amusement the group of gazers round skipper Murphy's nautical chest and then there was no more of her.


There were no handles or keyholes, but possibly the panels, if they were doors, as I supposed, opened from within.


If you believe you are suffering from nitrogen narcosis then signal to your buddy, by doing the "I'm narc'd!" hand signal, which is moving your index finger in circles at the side of your head ( more diving hand signals here ).


His statue shows him making a V-for-victory sign with one hand.

他的铜像显示的是他用一只手做了一个 v 字形的代表成功的手势。

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He's not dead: Doctor Kenneth thinks he may last another day.


We particularly like how the project reestablished the hillside in a sustainable way.


Additional bays are available on request and charges are applicable.
