英语人>网络例句>偏 相关的搜索结果

与 偏 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In addition, we also investigated polarization anisotropy and SKS wave spliting for comparison.


Instead they have an improved idea which is to apply a suitable magnetic field and exploit the anomalous magnetic moment of the Lambda baryons to measure simultaneously their polarization along three independent axes turning a passive measurement -one involving a check of the decay kinematics of the Lambda particles- into an active one -directly figuring out the polarization.

相反, 他们有一个更好的想法,这是一个合适的申请,并利用磁场异常磁矩的兰布达同时重子来衡量其振沿着三个独立的斧头,把被动测量一个涉及检查的衰变运动学粒子的兰布达,成为一个活跃的一个直接计算出的两极分化。

It seems that this anomalous behaviour is closely related to the special clusters forming in the super-saturated solid solution.


The transform formula of partially polarized GSM beam in dispersive and absorbing media as well as in anomalously dispersive media is derived.


The results showed that,anomalously small SOI and the lag effect of El Nino are good indications to the short-term climate prediction of Xiangtan flooding in flood period.


When deviation occurs anteriorly and inferiorly (that is, in the area of the internal nasal valve), it is more likely to be a source of obstruction.


Subject to the anticyclone anchored in central China, 21W will move along its southeastern periphery in a SW to WSW direction in the next 72 hours.

受到在中国大陆的一个反气旋影响,21W 将於未来 72 小时沿该反气旋的东南部向西南或西南西移动。

LUPIT is likely to move with some southward component as it enters the South China Sea due to the anticyclone over southwestern China.


The low-level wind field displayed cyclonic character on the north part of the squall line, whereas on its south part the wind field pattern was anticyclonic, with clear convergence of westerly and southeast inflows in between.


The anomalous heating source over the east coast of Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal forced an anomalous anticyclonic circulation over its northwest at the upper level, leading to the strenthening and westward stretching of South Asian High.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
