英语人>网络例句>偏 相关的搜索结果

与 偏 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

China has had abnormally high sex ratios at birth for a quarter of century.


First, we discuss several theories of risk measures respectively such as theories ofcoherent measures of risk, spectral measures of risk and distortion measures of risk.Within the framework of these theories, we discuss and compare standard deviation,mean absolute deviation, lower partial moment, Ginis difference, VaR, CVaR and soon. We conclude that CVaR is superior to other measures with respect to theoreticalproperties.


After the airdrop experiments of the system of the projectile and speed-down parachute, the balance velocity obtained from the optics apparatus on the ground、the balance spinning speed obtained from the gyroscope on the projectile and the image obtained from the infrared detector on the projectile are all used to simulate the six-dimension exterior trajectory of the projectile and identify the roll damping moment derivatives, and the identification can safely come to a conclusion that the absolute value of roll damping moment derivatives from the engineering calculation are on the low side.

对卷弧尾翼弹与减速伞系统进行空投试验,由地面光测系统给出平衡落速、弹上陀螺给出平衡转速、弹上红外探测器拍摄地面图像判断弹的姿态。通过六自由度弹道模拟,对弹滚转阻尼导数进行参数辨识,得到工程估算所得滚转阻尼导数绝对值小的结论。 5。对空投试验中出现弹姿态摆动现象,从受力分析及红外图像分析两个方面进行探讨,给出合理解释,并根据分析对弹外形进行修改,在后来的试验中收到很好的效果。

The cyclic fluctuation of the growth velocity adjacent to the absolute stability velocity of plane interface growth induces the banding structures.


To assess the importance of quasar outflow we have performed a series of studies on broad absorption line quasars, and have obtained the following results.


In addition to calculus with linear algebra, I had two semesters of mathematical analysis, partial differential equations, abstract algebra was also a senior this semester in the measurement theory.


However, since Difference and Repetition treats the body in a rather abstract manner, thought without image is far from a real creation.

但因为Difference and Repetition 对身体论题的处理於抽象和概念化,所以无形象思考还不是一种实地的创作。

TIAN Wen-sheng(Chaigoubu Teachers School,Zhangjiakou 076150,China)Abstract:Taking account of δr≠0,through the equation of conservation of orbital angular momentum,orbital parameters equations on the mass change are re-deduced.


The results of field test indicate that the earth pressure of abutment,different from lin...


The stress of undergraduate teachers are higher than that of Master and court academician teachers'.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
