英语人>网络例句>偏 相关的搜索结果

与 偏 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

However, the image-retrieving environment is so complicated, such like from a nature object to a variety of objects, from a light environment to a dark environment, or from a nature light to a daylight in office, the properties of objects, and the varieties of light sources and light intensities. These complex external image-retrieving environments let users can not get an accordant image quality. Such under a tungsten lamp, the image appears yellowish and reddish; under daylight in office, the image becomes greenish and bluish.

CCD Camera面对的是复杂的取像环境,从自然景物到各式各样的景物,从光亮环境到灰暗环境,或从自然光到办公室日光灯、景物的特性、光源的种类及光线的强弱,这些外在复杂的取像条件及变因往往让使用者无法得到相当一致的影像品质,如在钨丝灯下拍摄的影像,将产生黄、红效果的影像;在办公室的日光灯下将产生绿、蓝效果的影像。

Apart from this polarizing feature, these glasses serve the same purposes as any dark glasses, absorbing 50% of the incident light; in an unpolarized beam, half the light can be considered as polarized horizontally and half vertically, and only the vertically polarized light is transmitted.


Backward single and double scattering arecompletely polarized but the decorrelation between their phases produces unpolarizedcomponent in total scattering light.Enhanced backscatterig is unpolarized.


The existing form of boron on the rubbing surfaces is sodium metaborate which can be dissolved in water. The hydration water of so- dium metaborate can reduce the aiitiwear function on Four-ball Machine but enhance its antiwear ability on Timken Tester. The study also revealed that sulfonate dispersant Can reduce the antiwear function of sodium metaborate while succinimide dispersant enhance its antiwear ability.


The illuminance in row of cold type wheat "Shaan 229" in row is 0.5~7.0 klx lower than that of warm type wheat "NR9405" in during milk-filling and burliness stage, the water-vapour pressure and the relative humidity are 30~l80Pa and 1%~10%higher than those of "NR9405", also the air temperature and soil temperature are higher while the upgrowth delay.

结果表明,在一定范围内,与暖型小麦"NR9405"相比,冷型小麦"陕229"灌浆结实期间的株间气温低0.5~2.3℃,0~0.2m土层温度低0.3~4.0℃,株间水汽压和相对湿度分别高 30~180 Pa和1%~10%,株间光照度小0.52~7.08 klx,且株间气温差及土壤温差随生育期推迟增大。

In this thesis,the AM1,MNDO,MINDO/3(mainly AM1)and INDO/S-CI semiempirical MO methods were used toinvestigate the excited-state intramolecular protontransfer reactions of salicylic acid derivatives—salicylic acid,methyl salicylate,salicylaldehyde,o-hydroxyaceto-phenone,salicylamide and 3-hydroxy-picolinamide (6 conformers and 2-3 anion species);2-(2'-hydroxy-5' methylphenyl) benzotriazole(4 conformers),2-(2' hydroxyphenyl) benzimidazole (3 conformers and 3anion species),Bis-2,5-(2-benzoxazolyl)hydroquinone(3 conformers),2-(2'-hydroxyphenyl)benzothiazole(2conformers) and 7-azaindole dimer (2 conformers).Theinvestigations were described as follows.Geometry optimization,relative stability andhydrogen bonding energy First,for sylicylic acid derivative molecules,the AM1,MNDO and MINDO/3 methods were used toinvestigate ground-state geometry optimization,energies,relative stabilities and hydrogen-bondingenergies on the five kinds of the molecules(designing 6 conformers and 2-3 anion species).Comparing with experimental data,the optimizedgeometry,the order of stability,the hydrogen-bonding energies and the distances between O-O in O-H..O hydrogen bonds by AM1 method were in agreementwith the experimental data,however,the C-C bondlengths optimized by MNDO and MINDO/3 were longer,C-O and O-H bond lengths were shorter;for C-N bondlengths,the results opitimized by MNDO method werethe same as those by AM1 method,nevertheless the C-Nbond lengths given by MINDO/3 method were muchshorter.For some sylicylic acid derivatives(e.g.methyl salicylate,salicylamide),the order ofstabilities on the conformers given by MNDO andMINDO/3 methods were not in agreement with theexisting conformers deduced by experimental methods,and the hydrogen bonding energies calculated by MNDO.and MINDO/3 methods were smaller.Second,the studyon the other systems found that the optimizedgeometry of the proton-transfered product with INDOmethod could not be obtained,only could theoptimized geometry of reactant be obtained,and thecalculated hydrogen bonding energies were greater.Many results of calculation indicated that the studyon the excited-state intramolecular proton transferreaction system using AM1 method was suitable andreliable.


The composition of TB6 alloy ingots after heat treatment then water colling and air colling was analyzed. The results show that the segregation in the grain boundary is more serious than the segregation in the grain both in air cooled ingot and quenching ingot, the composition in grain boundary are not uniform; the segregation of Fe is more serious than the segregation of Al and V; the composition in air cooled ingot and quenching ingot are more uniform than the composition in cast; the segregation in quenching ingot is lowest, quenching can reduce the segregation.


Before establishment of SEASM, if southerly moisture transportation through the meridional moisture channel is very strong, the convection activity becomes more active around the IndochinaPeninsula and the rainy season begins earlier in Yunnan corresponsively.


Polarization encoding is a novel format and has more advanges such as natural power equalization, better polarization characteristics,less power penality,and so on,which can greatly reduce the nonlinear effects,suppress the PMD,and improve the spectrum efficiency,so its realization will accelerate the development of high-speed fiber communications.


With a comprehensive study on the development of ellipsometer both at home and abroad as well as an analysis of the problems undermining HST-1 ellipsometer such as low effeciency in measuring, poor precision and ISA, this paper applies the master-sercice framework with USB interface into the designing of a precise reflectional null ellipsometer according to the principles by which the null ellipsometer works.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
