英语人>网络例句>偏 相关的搜索结果

与 偏 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Resujts:① The distribution of lesions are mostly symmetrical, extensive, predominant in the middle and lower lung fields, and posterior areas in peripheral;② There are so many HRCT findings of lung, ILD is predominant: intralobular interstitial thickening 46 cases (100%), ground-glass opacity 41 cases (89.13%), peribronchovascular or centrilobular interstitial thickening 40 cases (86.96%), interlobular septal thickening 38 cases (82.61%), irregular linear opacity 37 cases (80.43%), small nodular opacity 34 cases (73.91%), subpleural line 27 cases (58.70%), bmnchiectasis or bronchiolectasis 19 cases (41.30%), patch opacity 18 cases (39.13%), expiratory mosaic sign 15 cases (32.61%), interface sign 14 cases (30.43%), honeycombing 12 cases (26.09%), emphysema or bulla 3 cases, cystic airspace suspected 1 case, and atelectasis suspected 1 case;③ Mediastinum and pleura: multiple small lymphonodi in mediastinum 41 cases (89.13%), pleural thickening or rough 38 cases (82.61%), esophagoectasis 11 cases (23.91%), unilateral little pleural fluid 1 case, and mediastinal emphysema 1 case.


The result indicates that the domestic cooking oil containing lower OSI value could be caused from the high metal ione contents which accelerate the oxidation reaction,Then a method is given to solve the qestion of lower OSI values.


Feet medium size, round, compact, and well knuckled, with thick pads.


If the leather belt runs ineffectively, please verify the reason, do not move the support to control, eliminates the leather belt to run leanly, or otherwise the carrying idler will be damage


Background: Wrist motion is dependent on the complex articulations of the scaphoid and lunate at the radiocarpal joint.


Numerical method of maro/micro coupling and coupling of calculation of phase diagrams in simulation on microsegregation were discussed in this paper.


Recordings from the STN exhibited an increase in the background activity and an irregular firing pattern, with a mean rate of (49±13) Hz. The mean cell density was (58±14) cells /mm, with an average length from upper bounder to lower bounder of (58±08) mm. The movementrelated cells were located primarily in the dorsolateral sector of the STN, with the leg area located medial along the mediolateral axis and centrally along the anteroposterior axis, compared with the arm area.

STN细胞电信号为高频、高幅及背景噪声较高的簇状放电,平均放电频率(49±13) Hz,平均细胞密度(58±14)个/mm,上、下界间平均长度(58±08) mm;运动相关细胞多位于背外侧部,下肢内侧,上肢外侧,亦可记录到&震颤同步细胞&。

The possible mechanism through which the winter AO influences winter air temperature in northeast China is that at the ground surface when the winter AO index is in a low phase,the Siberia high is strengthened,the winter monsoon over the East Asia is also strengthened,and northeast China undergoes a successive cold winter;and in the middle troposphere,when the winter AO is in its low phase,the East Asia trough is strengthened,the ridge west and north of Baikal Lake is also strengthened,the circulation develops meridionally,the northerly wind is strengthened,and northeast China undergoes successive coldwinter.


The borohydride is hydrogen source for an advanced fuel cell, Imol borohydride with water produces 4mol hydrogen and Imol of side product sodium metaborate. Regeneration of metaborate for recycle of boron brings forth a bright future to the new fuel cells. In this paper, a method for the preparation of sodium borohydride from sodium metaborate was proposed.


It is considered by means of metallographical analyses that the cause for unusual tensile fracture of coarse high carbon wire rod is due to the serious defects of central carbon segregation.

通过金相分析,认为造成大规格高碳钢盘条异常断口的原因是盘条中心存在严重的碳析,采用末端电磁搅拌、延长钢坯加热时间和加强铸坯的析检验 3条措施可生产出合格盘

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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
